2024.08.13 22:30

Reminder: Please pay special attention today (all in Beijing time)

① 10:00 New Zealand Reserve Bank releases Official Cash Rate (OCR); ② 11:00 New Zealand Reserve Bank Governor holds press conference; ③ 14:00 UK CPI for July; ④ Before US market opens, Tencent Holdings Limited releases earnings report, analyst conference call starts at 20:00; ⑤ 17:00 Eurozone GDP revised value for the second quarter; ⑥ 20:30 US CPI for July; ⑦ 22:30 US Energy Information Administration (EIA) releases government version of weekly crude oil inventory report; ⑧ After US market closes, Cisco releases earnings report; ⑨ 05:10 the next day, New Zealand Reserve Bank Governor speaks at a special parliamentary committee