2024.08.14 02:44

Hackers claim to have stolen massive amounts of Tencent data: 1.4 billion records, 500GB, including email addresses, phone numbers, QQ numbers, and other information

After leaking 2.7 billion US user social security information on the dark web forum on August 6th, a hacker named "Fenice" once again posted revealing that they have 1.4 billion Tencent user account information. The hacker claimed to have stolen a massive database, including 1.4 billion Tencent.com related records, with a compressed data capacity of 44GB, which will expand to 500GB after decompression. According to reports, the database is in JSON format and includes sensitive fields such as email addresses, phone numbers, and QQ IDs. The leaked data may not be recent, as the timestamps and storage paths indicate that this data was processed before May 9, 2023