2024.08.30 12:55
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Investment returns increased by 1 billion yuan! GF Securities reveals its "report card"

The scale of asset management has significantly increased

On the evening of August 30th, GF Securities disclosed its semi-annual report.

In the first half of 2024, GF Securities' total operating income was RMB 11.778 billion, and the net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company was RMB 4.362 billion, ranking relatively high in the industry.

ZiShiTang also found that in the first half of the year, the four main business segments of GF Securities, namely investment banking, wealth management, trading and institutional services, and asset management, showed relatively impressive investment returns.

Significant Increase in Investment Returns

Looking at the income statement items, GF Securities' investment returns have shown positive growth this year.

Among them, investment returns reached RMB 3.693 billion, an increase of RMB 1.022 billion year-on-year, with a year-on-year growth rate of 38.26%. The semi-annual report noted that this was "mainly due to the increase in financial instrument investment returns."

In the semi-annual report, GF Securities disclosed that the company's equity proprietary investment business adheres to a value investment approach, strengthens the combination of top-down macro strategies and industry-specific and individual stock research, uses multiple investment tools to reduce investment return volatility, and has achieved good investment performance.

Exposure of Investment Banking Business Figures

In terms of domestic equity financing, in the first half of this year, GF Securities completed 3 A-share equity refinancing projects with a total underwriting amount of RMB 6.945 billion; and completed 3 New Third Board listing projects.

In terms of overseas equity financing, in the first half of the year, GF Securities completed 2 Hong Kong IPO projects, with one as the sponsor's representative for an IPO project with an issuance size of HKD 1.046 billion, ranking 3rd in the market; and completed 2 refinancing projects with an underwriting amount of HKD 4.881 billion.

Significant Growth in Asset Management Scale

After reading through the entire semi-annual report, ZiShiTang found that the asset management business scale of GF Securities has significantly increased.

It is reported that GF Securities conducts asset management business through its wholly-owned subsidiaries GF Asset Management, GF Futures, and indirectly wholly-owned subsidiary GF Asset Management (Hong Kong).

Data shows that as of the end of June 2024, the net value scale of collective asset management plans, single asset management plans, and special asset management plans managed by GF Asset Management has increased by 27.13%, 0.82%, and 56.45% respectively compared to the end of 2023, with a total scale increase of 17.67% compared to the end of 2023.

How Large is the Product Distribution Scale?

As of the end of June 2024, GF Securities' scale of distributed financial products exceeded RMB 220 billion, an increase of 4.00% compared to the end of the previous year.

It is worth noting that according to statistics from the China Securities Industry Association, GF Securities has more than 4,400 people qualified as investment advisors, ranking first in the industry (based on the parent company's data).

In addition, the company's trading volume of Shanghai and Shenzhen stock funds in the first half of the year was RMB 93.4 trillion (bilateral statistics), a decrease of 4.95% year-on-year