2024.09.05 19:03
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The Federal Reserve seeks public comments to reform the discount window operations

The Federal Reserve is publicly soliciting feedback on its discount window operations, which is a traditional tool to provide liquidity support to depository institutions. This feedback request covers various aspects such as handling legal documents, managing collateral, loan application and repayment procedures, and intraday credit. The Federal Reserve aims to improve the use of the discount window so that banks can respond more quickly to financial shocks

Jinshi Data, September 6th news, the Federal Reserve is seeking public opinion on the discount window. The discount window is the oldest tool the Federal Reserve uses to provide liquidity support to deposit-taking institutions. According to a statement from the Federal Reserve on Thursday, the public consultation involves the collection of legal documents, pledging and withdrawal procedures for collateral, loan application, receipt and repayment procedures, intraday credit provision, and communication related to the mechanism. Federal Reserve policymakers and regulators hope that banks can more freely use the discount window on a regular basis to ensure a swift response in the event of financial shocks such as deposit runs. However, banks have been reluctant to use the Federal Reserve's discount window, fearing that it may be seen as a sign of weak or desperate liquidity conditions. In addition, many industry insiders believe that the operation of the discount window is cumbersome, outdated, and cumbersome