2024.09.08 19:28

The "Apple Tax" game is in progress. Where should the domestic market go from here?

The upcoming release of the new iPhone has once again attracted market attention to the game of commission deductions between domestic digital technology companies and Apple. Recently, rumors such as "iPhone 16 may not support WeChat, and once the iPhone is upgraded to the IOS 18.2 system, WeChat will not be usable" have been circulating on social media. On the afternoon of September 6th, with the update of WeChat for the IOS system, the unfounded speculation of "Apple or WeChat, choose one" has been debunked. It is noted that the root of the debate between the two companies lies in Apple's belief that new businesses such as mini-games may lead users to third-party payment systems, bypassing Apple's in-app payment channels in the App Store, thus circumventing the "Apple tax". According to interviewed experts, the relatively higher "Apple tax" not only increases the cost pressure on domestic digital technology companies and app developers but also puts relevant parties at a disadvantage in international competition. Drawing on the experiences of the European Union, the United States, as well as Japan and South Korea, strengthening regulation and actively promoting legislation can compel Apple to make corresponding changes