2024.09.10 09:44
I'm PortAI, I can summarize articles.

The Ministry of Commerce: The case of electric car anti-subsidy is complex, and China is committed to properly resolving it through dialogue and negotiation with the European side

Deputy Minister of Commerce Li Fei and Director-General of the European Commission's Directorate-General for Trade Wayne held talks in Brussels on September 9, reiterating China's hope to resolve China-EU economic and trade frictions through dialogue. Faced with the complex case of electric vehicle anti-subsidy, China is willing to continue to closely cooperate with the European side to seek a solution that is in the interests of both parties

Q: We have noticed that since June, the Chinese side has been communicating and negotiating with the EU on the anti-subsidy case of electric vehicles. What are the latest developments?

A: Since the EU launched an anti-subsidy investigation on electric vehicles from China, the Chinese government and industry have been committed to resolving the issue through dialogue and negotiation. On August 20, the European Commission made a preliminary ruling. Although we cannot agree with or accept the preliminary ruling, we still maintain the utmost sincerity and hope to resolve the friction through dialogue and negotiation to seek a solution acceptable to both parties.

On September 9, Deputy Minister of Commerce Li Fei and his delegation held talks with the Director-General of the Trade Directorate of the European Commission, Mr. Weand, in Brussels, Belgium, expressing once again the willingness to resolve China-EU economic and trade frictions through dialogue and negotiation and to take into account each other's concerns.

The electric vehicle anti-subsidy case is complex and wide-ranging. Reaching a consensus through negotiations between China and the EU poses certain challenges. However, China believes that as long as the EU shows sincerity and moves towards each other, concerns can be resolved through negotiation. China is willing to continue close cooperation with the EU, striving to reach a solution that is in line with the common interests of both parties, in accordance with WTO rules, and promote the healthy and stable development of China-EU economic and trade relations