2024.09.13 03:27
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DingTalk takes the lead in enjoying the benefits of AI

Accelerate landing

Author | Liu Baodan

Editor | Huang Yu

Office is one of the first B-end scenarios where AI landed, but as market exploration progresses, there has been a subtle differentiation in attitudes towards AI among various companies. Feishu is more cautious about AI, while DingTalk remains optimistic.

On September 10th, DingTalk's "AI Superpower·New Quality Productivity City Summit" landed in Changzhou. At the summit, Yang Meng, Global Business President of DingTalk, stated that over 20% of DingTalk-enterprises in Changzhou are using DingTalk's AI capabilities.

"This proportion ranks among the top in the country." According to Yang Meng, these enterprises mainly use AI to assist their daily work, and through DingTalk, many companies have accelerated their embrace of AI.

Changzhou is representative in that it is the fifth "Trillion Yuan City" in Jiangsu, with 4,720 high-tech enterprises, 926 provincial-level specialized and new small and medium-sized enterprises, and 166 national specialized and new "Little Giant" enterprises. This also means that DingTalk largely meets the office needs of these high-knowledge density, high R&D intensity enterprises.

In particular, these enterprises have a clear demand for AI. Yang Meng stated that DingTalk has combined AI technology to create digital solutions that can help these enterprises enter the era of digital intelligence.

Typical AI applications of DingTalk include: enhancing frontline data analysis and decision-making capabilities through BI analysis assistant; using DingTalk Intelligent Bodies to inspect daily business meetings, enhancing the company's compliance level; and using DingTalk Intelligent Bodies to conduct specialized analysis around industry journals, patents, etc., creating a "research assistant" exclusively for R&D personnel.

In fact, this is just a glimpse of DingTalk's AI landing applications. Currently, DingTalk has over 2.2 million AI monthly active organizations, over 1 million AI partners, over 500,000 AI Intelligent Bodies, and the daily call volume of AI on DingTalk has reached over 10 million times.

All of this is closely related to DingTalk's strategic changes and Alibaba Group's investment in DingTalk.

Last year, DingTalk ended the situation where it was managed by Alibaba Cloud and was confirmed by Alibaba Group as one of the first batch of strategic innovative enterprises. Alibaba Group CEO Eddie Wu stated that as the most efficient enterprise collaboration tool in China, looking towards the future, it is believed that in the AI era, everyone and every enterprise will have personalized intelligent assistants, and DingTalk is expected to become the best AI intelligent assistant platform for users.

Alibaba has also poured more resources into DingTalk. DingTalk was the first product to access the "Tongyi Qianwen" large model by Alibaba Group, and DingTalk President Ye Jun also stated that after the "Four Little Dragons" strategy, the group's help and support for DingTalk will be greater than before, and the space has also become larger.

From AI product differentiation to opening AI PaaS platform, and then to releasing AI assistant products, over the past year, DingTalk has continuously increased its strategic layout for AI. In June, at the 2024 Ecological Conference, DingTalk announced the opening to all major model vendors, with companies like Moyuan Darkside already settled in DingTalk. At the same time, DingTalk also launched a new AI search product.

This is a complete landing chain of large models, from models to products, DingTalk is trying to bridge the gap between large model technology and office scenarios, explore more usage scenarios, and become a super entrance to the era of artificial intelligence According to DingTalk's plan, the company will achieve profitability in the 2025 fiscal year, and the emergence of AI will undoubtedly accelerate this progress.

DingTalk is full of confidence in the office opportunities in the AI era. Ye Jun recently stated in an interview, "The positioning of the collaborative network has always remained unchanged for DingTalk. We are building a super base for collaboration, a base for enterprise digitalization, hoping to connect more collaborative entities." From AI Agents to humanoid robots, to printers, robotic vacuum cleaners, and more, he believes that these will likely be integrated into collaboration.

Based on this, Ye Jun believes that DingTalk needs to find ways to make the collaborative network easier to access and connect more efficiently, which is the direction DingTalk is striving towards.

DingTalk's AI is rapidly popularizing within enterprises in Changzhou, and this is just the beginning. For DingTalk, AI "superpowers" are essential skills for enterprises to move towards the future, and DingTalk will also embark on its own journey to explore the vast universe