2024.09.19 03:02

Alibaba's Eddie Wu: In the future, almost all software and hardware will have reasoning capabilities

On September 19th, the 2024 Yunqi Conference with the theme "Cloud Empowering Intelligent Leap, Industrial Transformation" opened in Hangzhou. At the conference, Eddie Wu, CEO of Alibaba Group and Chairman and CEO of Alibaba Cloud Intelligence Group, stated that AI computing is accelerating its introduction and becoming the dominant force in the entire computing system. The profound impact of AI on the digital and physical worlds will bring about fundamental changes in computing architecture. The computing system that has been dominated by information flow for the past few decades is accelerating its transition to an AI computing system dominated by GPUs. In the future, almost all software and hardware will have inference capabilities, with their computing cores shifting to a model where GPU AI computing power is primary and CPU traditional computing power is auxiliary. "We see that in the new computing power market and demand, over 50% of new demands are AI-driven, and new demands have already exceeded 50%, taking the lead. This trend will continue to expand," Eddie Wu said