2024.09.26 13:42

Bank of China Research Institute: The foundation for the recovery of the Chinese economy in the fourth quarter will be further consolidated

The China Banking Research Institute released the "Fourth Quarter Economic and Financial Outlook Report for 2024" on September 26, reviewing the global and Chinese economic and financial situation in the third quarter of 2024, as well as the global banking industry operation. The report also provided an outlook on the economic and financial situation in the fourth quarter of 2024 and the global banking industry development trends. Regarding the Chinese economic and financial situation, the report stated that the economy continued to recover in the third quarter. It is preliminarily estimated that the GDP will grow by around 4.8% in the third quarter. Looking ahead to the fourth quarter, the foundation of China's economic recovery will further consolidate, with the possibility of achieving the goal of 5% GDP growth for the whole year. (Securities Times)