2023.01.05 07:45
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蔚来李斌:智能电动车竞争进入资格赛后期,2023 是至关重要一年

李斌提醒员工,“对 2023 年甚至更长时间的困难要有足够的心理准备”,“放弃任何的侥幸心理,保持危机感,冷静感知和分析市场环境与竞争态势的变化,我们才可能适应与应对接下来的艰难挑战。 ”

作者 | 张超 编辑 | 罗丽娟

新年伊始,总是企业回顾总结与规划展望的时间节点。“节奏与效率”,成为了这次蔚来董事长兼 CEO 李斌全员信的关键词。

受到突发事件影响,2022 年蔚来工厂在 4 月和 10 月两度停产,直接影响了订单交付速度和消费者信任度。而在最新发布的全员信中,李斌也将 2022 年定义为 “不平常的一年”,他坦言公司原定节奏与计划被打乱。












作为 “蔚小理” 三家中具备先发优势的新能源造车企业,截至 2021 年二季度,蔚来单季交付都一路领先;但从 2021 年三季度就被小鹏和理想超越,直至 2022 年三季度才重新反超,但四季度交付量依然不及理想,造车新势力 “冠军宝座” 岌岌可危。

但在 2022 年底的 NIO DAY 媒体沟通会上,李斌却信心十足地提出了 “明年销量超越雷克萨斯油车品牌” 的目标。

按照雷克萨斯 2022 年前 11 个月 16.9 万辆和 2021 年全年销量 22.6 万辆的交付成绩看,蔚来 2023 年的汽车销量则需要至少达到 19 万辆,平均单月 1.58 万辆。奋力一搏,蔚来也是有可能实现的。

“智能电动汽车的竞争已经进入到资格赛的后期阶段,” 李斌强调,只有更出色的表现才能赢得决赛参与资格。

在全员信中,他还提醒全体员工,“对 2023 年甚至更长时间的困难要有足够的心理准备”,“放弃任何的侥幸心理,保持危机感,冷静感知和分析市场环境与竞争态势的变化,我们才可能适应与应对接下来的艰难挑战。 ”

2023 年,对蔚来而言是至关重要的一年。李斌要求,蔚来全体员工专注执行效率的提升,让工作方式更敏捷、更高效。



2023 年来了,祝大家新年快乐!

最近一个月,奥密克戎在中国迅速扩散,很多同事不幸感染,健康和生活受到很大影响。在这样的情况下,大家仍然以各种方式尽可能参与工作,保证了研发、供应、生产、交付、用户服务、NIO Day 等各项工作的进行。在此,我要感谢每一位同事这段时间的辛苦工作,也祝还在病中的同事早日康复。

2022 年是不平常的一年,疫情和突发事件的影响超过了预期,打乱了我们原定的节奏与计划。

即使遇到重重困难,我们仍然取得了不少进展。2022 年度交付量为 122,486 台,同比增长 34%;基于 NT2 的三款全新车型 ET7、ES7、ET5 交付;F2 工厂投入生产;NIO House 和换电站、服务中心等基础设施的建设基本完成既定目标;NIO Berlin 成功举办,欧洲五国的团队建设进展顺利;NT3 研发正式启动;创新业务部门的工作按计划推进;香港和新加坡上市顺利完成。在这动荡的一年中,有太多感人的故事和感动的时刻,谢谢每一位同事任劳任怨,共克时艰!

2022 年,我们有苦劳,有功劳,但是我们要清醒地认识到,不少同行的同期表现比我们更加出色。我们的交付量增速落后于中国智能电动汽车市场的整体增速;应对供应波动,很多厂商的反应更迅速,更高效;针对需求波动,惯性太强,调整不及时,造成了不必要的损失;新车上市前后的软硬件质量问题已经影响了产品口碑和声誉;测试车事故和数据被窃取事件暴露出公司内部管理需要加强;我们建立了用户满意度的反馈机制,但解决问题的闭环速度仍然距离用户的期望有很大差距;组织和团队在过去一年中扩展过快,内部沟通效率亟需提升;数字管理系统不能很好支持业务的新需求,已经成为了业务发展的瓶颈。外部压力不是我们回避自身问题的理由,我们可以做得更好,应该做得更好。

优秀的公司能够变困难为机遇,在压力中塑造自己的竞争优势。智能电动汽车的竞争已经进入到资格赛的后期阶段,我们需要更出色的表现才能赢得参与决赛的资格。请大家尽快从 2022 年的凌乱中走出来,深呼吸,保持紧张、笃定的心态,调整到敏捷,高效的工作节奏,以参加下一阶段更加激烈的竞争。

我们对 2023 年甚至更长时间的困难要有足够的心理准备。疫情平复需要一段时间,经济恢复增长、消费者恢复信心是一个比较长的过程,高端汽车市场尤其会受影响;逆全球化的趋势不会反转,我们进入全球市场的过程一定是困难重重;市场竞争越来越激烈,产品和技术越来越同质化,差异化的竞争优势越来越难获得。放弃任何的侥幸心理,保持危机感,冷静感知和分析市场环境与竞争态势的变化,我们才可能适应与应对接下来的艰难挑战。

越在压力之下,我们越要笃定,越要充满信心。我们的信心来自于对趋势的判断,智能电动汽车已经成为全球经济为数不多的亮点,可持续发展也是全球为数不多的共识;我们的信心来自于产品、服务、社区的体系性创新,来自于围绕智能电动汽车核心全栈技术的坚决投入,来自于 NIO House、NIO Power、NSC 等基础设施的坚决布局;我们的信心来自于用户企业的愿景、价值驱动的组织和优秀的团队。我们在正确的趋势中,在正确的方向上,只要能专注执行,我们就能实现目标。


专注执行,需要我们的工作方式更加高效。2022 年,我们团队和组织持续扩张,职责不清晰、目标不一致、流程不完善、重复建设的情况比比皆是,我们的效率还有非常大的提升空间。2023 年的工作任务会增加很多,但公司的资源投入只会有小幅增加,我们必须从内部挖掘潜力,尤其是对于低效的组织、低效的团队、低效的流程、低效的项目,需要进行全面的梳理和优化。2023 年,我在效率优化方面会花比较多的时间,也需要每一位同事站在公司整体利益的角度参与、配合,也欢迎大家给我和管理团队关于效率优化方面好的建议。

2023 年,对我们来说是至关重要的一年。上半年我们将交付 5 款全新 NT2 车型;NT3 的研发将全面展开;各个创新业务将迎来关键节点;欧洲市场的用户交付与服务将进一步提速。2023 年的工作表现直接决定了我们的长期竞争力,需要我们每一位同事全力以赴。

我们的征程是泥泞路上的马拉松,不要期待有坦途。2023 年,让我们专注在执行效率的提升,一起加电!


Dear colleagues,

As we welcome the year of 2023, I would like to wish everyone a wonderful new year!

In the past month, as the omicron variant spreads rapidly across China, many colleagues have been infected and the virus has taken a toll on people's health and way of life. Despite these challenges, everyone still tried to work in various ways to ensure smooth progress in terms of R&D, supply chain, production, delivery, user service, NIO Day 2022 and many other activities. I would like to thank everyone for working diligently during this difficult time and hope affected colleagues get well soon.

2022 is an unusual year. The COVID pandemic and emergency events exerted impacts that exceeded everyone's expectations, and disrupted our original pace and plan.

Even in the face of a myriad of challenges, we still made positive strides. In 2022, we delivered 122,486 vehicles, increasing by 34% year-over-year. We kicked off the delivery of three new vehicles based on NT2, namely ET7, ES7 and ET5. We started production in F2 and fulfilled the infrastructure-building targets, such as NIO Houses, Power Swap stations, and NIO Service Centers. We successfully held NIO Berlin and built up local teams in five European countries. We pushed forward new strategic businesses according to plan. We successfully listed on HKEX and SGX. During this turbulent year, there have been so many touching and unforgettable moments and stories. Thank you all for your full dedication and joint efforts!

In 2022, there are pains and gains. However, it should be clearly recognized that many peers outperformed us in the same period. Our delivery volume growth fell behind that of the overall smart EV market in China. When tackling supply chain volatilities, many companies responded more swiftly and efficiently. In the face of demand fluctuations, the inertia was too strong to make timely adjustments and avoid unnecessary losses. The software and hardware quality issues before and after the new vehicle launch affected the reputation and word of mouth of our products. The test vehicle accident and data leakage incident sounded the alarm for us to enhance internal control and management. We set up a user satisfaction feedback mechanism, but the problem-solving speed still fell greatly short of user expectations. The organization and team expanded too quickly in the past year while the internal communication efficiency was in dire need of improvement. The digital management system could not effectively support new business needs and became the bottleneck of business development. External environment and pressure should not be the reason for us to evade our own problems. We could have and should have done better.

Great companies can turn challenges into opportunities and build their own competitive strengths under pressure. The competition of smart EV is now in the later stage of the qualifying round. We have to perform exceptionally well to be able to enter the final round. We have to get out of the woods of 2022 as quickly as possible, take a deep breath, stand our ground, keep a sense of urgency and get to work in an agile and efficient mode to embrace even more fierce competition in the next round.

We need to be fully prepared for the difficulties ahead in 2023 or for an even longer period. People need time to recover from the COVID pandemic while the economy and consumer confidence also require a relatively long process to restore. Consequently, the premium vehicle market will take a hit in particular. The anti-globalization trend is unlikely to turn the tide, which will bring serious impediments to our global market entry efforts. As the market competition gets even more fierce and products and technologies become increasingly homogeneous, it is getting harder to gain differentiated competitive edge. We should not have a fluke mind or take any chances. Instead, we have to keep a sense of crisis, observe and analyze the dynamics of the operating environment and competition landscape level-headedly, so as to adapt to and cope with the daunting challenges down the road.

When the going gets tough, we should be even more steadfast and confident about the future. Our confidence comes from our judgement on the trend: smart EV has become one of the few highlights of global economy and the pursuit of sustainable development has also become one of the few global consensuses. Our confidence comes from our systematic innovations of products, services, and communities, our determined investments in core full-stack technologies centered around smart EV, and our decisive infrastructure deployment of NIO House, NIO Power and NIO Service Center. Our confidence comes from the vision of becoming a user enterprise and our value-driven organization and outstanding teams. We are on the right side of history and in the right direction. As long as we stay focused on execution, we can achieve our goals.

Staying focused on execution means working more agilely. The ever-changing market requires us to equip ourselves with agile mindset, process and capabilities. Product Experience team needs to dive deep into user needs more keenly and insightfully, quickly respond to user feedback in a closed-loop manner. R&D team needs to evaluate and review project progresses at all times to identify issues and make corrections in a timely manner. User Development and Operation teams need to make dynamic predictions on market demand to provide a timely and accurate planning basis to the Industrialization team. Supply Chain, Manufacturing and Logistics teams need to respond more quickly to market volatilities and secure supplies with sunk costs as low as possible. Quality team needs to speed up the quality issue closed-loop resolution to minimize losses as well as protect user benefits and product reputations. After-sales and Service teams need to respond to user demand more swiftly to improve user experiences. Administration and Support teams need to provide suitable and handy support to business teams to enhance efficiency of business operations.

Staying focused on execution means working more efficiently. In 2022, our team and organization continued to scale up, leading to many issues such as unclear roles and responsibilities, unaligned objectives, inadequate processes and overlapping initiatives. There is significant room for improvement when it comes to efficiency. In 2023, we will face more work load, but the overall investments by the Company will only increase slightly. Therefore, we have to tap into the potential internally. In particular, low-efficiency organization, teams, processes and projects need to be streamlined and optimized comprehensively. In 2023, I will spend more time on efficiency improvement personally, and would like to urge every colleague to support and join the efforts from the perspective of the Company's overall interests and would welcome all the constructive suggestions for me and the management team on efficiency improvement.

2023 is a year of significance to us. We will deliver five new vehicles based on NT2 in the first half of 2023 while the R&D of NT3 will be in full swing. All the new strategic businesses will usher in key milestones and the user deliveries and services in Europe will further accelerate. Our performance in 2023 will directly determine our long-term competitiveness, so every one of us needs to pour our heart into it and go all out.

Our journey is a muddy marathon, so do not expect an easy road ahead. In 2023, let us all stay focused on execution efficiency improvement and keep powering on!
