2023.06.06 09:42
I'm PortAI, I can summarize articles.

In the past decade, the second largest restricted stock release? The latest response is here: Postal Savings Bank of China has no plan to reduce its holdings in PSBC for now.

Will maintain its controlling position in the industry for the long term.

PSBC's huge restricted shares of up to 55.847 billion shares are about to be unlocked. What impact will this have on the market? The latest response came on June 6th.

According to PSBC's response on the exchange's interactive platform that day: "(The bank's major shareholder) China Post Group will maintain its controlling shareholder status in the bank for a long time and has no plan to reduce its holdings. If China Post Group has any intention to reduce its holdings in the future, it will strictly abide by the relevant laws, regulations and regulatory requirements for reducing the holdings of controlling shareholders, fulfill its information disclosure obligations in a timely manner, and effectively protect the interests of small and medium shareholders."

The response also stated that "as the controlling shareholder of the bank, China Post Group is full of confidence in the bank's future development prospects."

Since PSBC's A-share IPO, China Post Group has implemented voluntary share purchase plans of no less than 2.5 billion yuan and three-year stable stock price purchase plans of no less than 50 million yuan each time, which has boosted market confidence to a certain extent.

In addition, in March 2021, China Post Group also exclusively subscribed to the bank's A-share non-public offering of shares worth RMB 30 billion, further demonstrating its recognition of the bank's value.