2023.06.21 14:24
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Electrification "laggard" TM ADR US makes a comeback! Analysts are bullish on all-solid-state batteries and have raised their target prices one after another.

TM ADR US previously announced that it will achieve the commercialization of solid-state batteries in 2027 or 2028, and launch pure electric vehicles equipped with all-solid-state batteries to the market. Will it arrive as scheduled?

Analysts have become more optimistic about the automaker since TM ADR US announced its new technology last week, **as concerns about the backwardness of TM ADR US's electrification transition have eased. **According to Bloomberg, at least four institutions, including Nomura Securities and Mizuho Securities, raised their target price for TM ADR US, with Nomura Securities raising its target price for TM ADR US to 3100 yen from 2650 yen, the highest among analysts tracking TM ADR US. Last Thursday, TM ADR US shares had their best weekly performance in about seven years. * * CTO Hiroki Nakajima said at a technical briefing that the company had found better materials to commercialize solid-state batteries in 2027 or 2028 and put pure electric vehicles equipped with all-solid-state batteries on the market. Solid-state batteries are regarded as the" ultimate technology "of lithium batteries. TM ADR US said that it is developing a method for mass production of solid-state batteries for electric vehicles. This **** solid-state battery will have a cruising range that is higher than that of the first generation. The high-performance battery is 20% higher, that is, the cruising range will be increased from 1000 kilometers to 1200 kilometers. **At the same time, the fast charging time of this battery charging capacity from 10% to 80% is only 10 minutes. In contrast, the largest Tesla Supercharger network can provide the equivalent of 321 kilometers of charging in 15 minutes. Some analysts believe that TM ADR US is expected to achieve record operating profit in the year to March 2024, driven by the recovery in production and the depreciation of the yen, so there is room for this rally to continue. Nomura analyst Masataka Kunugimoto wrote in a report that TM ADR US's market share in North America, Europe and China is expected to rise as production rebounds, while market demand for its hybrid vehicles is strong. He said that TM ADR US's electric vehicle strategy announced on June 13 has eased people's concerns about its lagging behind competitors in the competition. Mizuho Securities Yoshitaka Ishiyama and other analysts wrote in a report on June 15: "We are surprised by the magnitude of the increase in TM ADR US shares." They said the stock was not overvalued and reiterated their "buy" rating while raising their target price to 2700 yen from 2200 yen. However, **TM ADR US shares have fallen since hitting a more than one-year high last Thursday, and some analysts remain cautious about the stock's outlook. * *! James Hong of Macquarie Capital (Macquarie Capital) is the only analyst to give TM ADR US a " sell and wait " rating. **He said that he expects that autonomous vehicles" will still be a niche market, "and that expanding battery production and reducing costs are more important than product commercialization. * * As far as solid-state battery technology itself is concerned, according to 36 krypton, some solid-state battery researchers said that TM ADR US has accumulated a lot, but mass production in 2027 is still very difficult. A senior person of a solid-state battery company believes that the large-scale mass production of all-solid-state batteries will be a challenge within 10 years.> "The samples of all-solid-state batteries made in our own laboratory may cost more than ten dollars a watt-hour. Even if the industrial chain is more mature, the cost will be reduced to the limit of 5 yuan per watt hour, so it will cost 500000 yuan per battery pack on the car." In other words, solid-state battery cost reduction is a headache. According to the analysis, whether TM ADR US's electric transformation can catch up from behind, betting on whether the all-solid-state battery will come as promised, still needs to wait for it to disclose more technical details. * * In 2017, TM ADR US announced the production of solid-state batteries in 2020 and mass production in 2025. But in 2021, it was changed to say that "the progress of all-solid-state batteries is not optimistic." * *