2023.06.28 00:34
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After launching on the AI market, this game software company surged 15%. CEO: AI will profoundly change the gaming industry.

"AI+ Games" is going to accelerate?

After announcing the establishment of an AI game software market, Unity's stock price soared overnight.

On Tuesday, the stock price of game tool platform Unity rose more than 15%. Prior to this, the company announced the launch of the AI software market AI Hub in its store, Unity Asset Store, which can accelerate AI-driven game development and game play enhancement.

Unity is a game production software provider, and its customers are usually game production studios and software developers. Software developers distribute their software to game developers through Unity and charge through Unity's asset store.

According to the company, the solutions in AI Hub cover a range of features, including generative AI solutions, AI/ML integration solutions (for enhancing workflows or connecting projects to AI vendors), and behavioral AI solutions (tools for developers to create behaviors in the game world, from pathfinding and enemy logic to non-player character responses).

Unity announced that 10 Unity-verified solutions will be released on its AI market. These "verified solutions" will be professionally reviewed and enhanced, and the company reiterated its commitment to providing high-quality solutions, services, and long-term support.

As the stock price soared, the company's executives have been talking about the potential they see in the field of artificial intelligence in recent weeks.

Unity CEO John Riccitiello said in an interview with the Associated Press on Monday:

I think artificial intelligence will change games in several very profound ways. One of them is that it will make game development faster, cheaper, and better.

This has already happened.

Regarding Unity's new growth direction, Wells Fargo affirmed it in its report on Tuesday, and analysts believe that the company may expand its business beyond games and launch "digital twins" and other simulation products for enterprises.

Although we acknowledge that the integration of the interactive entertainment industry may promote the development and use of proprietary game development tools/assets by large studios in the long run, we believe in Unity's strong competitive position in this field.

Attached are the latest 10 AI game solutions launched by Unity:

At­l­as: At­l­as builds cutting-edge generative 3D AI technology that can create assets and virtual worlds in a small fraction of the time required by traditional methods.

Co­n­v­ai: Co­n­v­ai enables AI characters in games and virtual worlds to have human-like conversation abilities, etc.

In­w­o­r­ld AI: In­w­o­r­ld AI offers the most advanced AI non-playable character platform, allowing developers to go beyond dialogue trees and create fully interactive characters with multi-modal personalities and situational awareness.

La­y­er AI: With La­y­er, game developers can upload their work with just a few clicks and generate an unlimited number of assets - all in their custom art style.

Le­o­n­a­r­do Ai: Le­o­n­a­r­do AI is a revolutionary content creation suite powered by generative AI that simplifies 2D asset creation, textures, and easy generation of 3D models with complete UV texture maps.

LM­NT: Developers can unleash their creativity with LM­NT's AI voice, achieving immersive voice acting, lifelike characters, and endless replays.

Mo­dl.ai: mo­dl:te­st is supported by mo­dl.ai's AI engine and uses robots to automate and expand developer coverage to simplify game testing. Self-managed services report errors, events, and crashes on the mo­dl.ai cloud platform for developers to fix.

Po­l­y­h­i­ve: Po­l­y­h­i­ve is an AI texture suite that allows 3D artists and developers to texture 3D assets in minutes using natural language. Users can perform 360° consistent texture processing on 3D resources and generate tileable materials with custom structures and styles.

Re­p­l­i­ca St­u­d­i­os: The Re­p­l­i­ca St­u­d­i­os AI Vo­i­ce Ac­t­o­rs Un­i­ty plugin with Un­i­ty functionality seamlessly integrates with the Re­p­l­i­ca St­u­d­i­os desktop application, allowing developers to generate AI text-to-speech and transfer voice acting directly to their active Un­i­ty project.

Zi­b­ra AI: Zi­b­ra Ef­f­e­c­ts is a multifunctional, no-code toolkit that simplifies VFX creation and elevates the immersion of the virtual world to new heights with real-time simulation and realistic physics effects.