2023.06.29 00:46
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Deepmind Executive: AI Will Help Humanity Improve the Environment

DeepMind's weather forecasting model, GraphCast, powered by artificial intelligence technology, can generate a 10-day weather forecast in less than 60 seconds.

DeepMind executives have stated that artificial intelligence will help address climate change.

On June 28th, local time, according to Bloomberg, Colin Murdoch, an executive at Alphabet's DeepMind, said that artificial intelligence could accelerate innovative changes in the world, such as "limitless" clean energy and better weather models, to help people cope with the impact of climate change.

Murdoch said:

We are using artificial intelligence to predict the weather more accurately, to help communities and companies around the world adapt to increasingly extreme weather.

DeepMind has previously released a large-scale artificial intelligence weather forecasting model called GraphCast. This is a weather simulator based on machine learning (ML) that can scale data effectively and generate a 10-day weather forecast in less than 60 seconds.

Boston Consulting Group (BCG) predicted in its research report that in order to achieve the goal of limiting the global average temperature rise to 1.5°C as proposed in the Paris Agreement, countries must reduce carbon emissions by 50% by 2030. The use of artificial intelligence can help reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 2.6 to 5.3 billion tons, accounting for 5% to 10% of the total emissions reduction.

Murdoch also praised the collaboration between DeepMind and the University of Toronto in the field of medicine. He stated that researchers are using artificial intelligence to better understand proteins in the human body to advance the treatment of liver cancer.

Murdoch added that artificial intelligence needs regulation, but it must be carefully considered: "This is a very powerful technology, so we must be extra cautious. We have spent a lot of time thinking about the most effective regulation - regulation that allows innovation."