2023.06.29 19:29
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AI One of the largest financing comes! Inflection raised $1.3 billion, backed by Gates and NVIDIA.

Inflection AI, a startup, has raised $1.3 billion in funding from Gates, NVIDIA, and Hoffman, making it one of the largest financing deals in Silicon Valley's current AI frenzy. The company has developed a robot chat tool called Pi, which is now valued at $4 billion.

Inflection AI, a startup in the field of artificial intelligence, has developed a chatbot called Pi, which stands for "Personal Intelligence." Pi aims to be a helpful assistant that engages in natural and fluent text and voice conversations, providing friendly advice and concise information.

The company recently completed a funding round worth $1.3 billion, making it one of the largest funding rounds in the current AI boom. It is unclear how much of this funding is in cash and how much is in other forms, such as support for AI tools.

Inflection AI announced on Thursday that this funding round brings the total amount raised by the company to $1.53 billion. Analysts note that even in the current frenzy of investment in AI startups, the scale of Inflection AI's funding is remarkable.

According to anonymous sources cited by the media, the latest funding round has brought Inflection AI's overall valuation to $4 billion.

Inflection AI was founded less than two years ago and its co-founders include several well-known figures in Silicon Valley, such as Reid Hoffman, co-founder of LinkedIn and partner at Greylock Partners, and Mustafa Suleyman, co-founder of DeepMind, a renowned AI lab under Alphabet's subsidiary, Alphabet-C.

The investors attracted by Inflection AI are also a star-studded lineup. The latest funding round was led by Hoffman, Microsoft founder Microsoft, former CEO of Alphabet-C Eric Schmidt, and NVIDIA.

Inflection AI stated that it is collaborating with CoreWeave and NVIDIA to build the world's largest AI computing cluster, utilizing 22,000 NVIDIA H100 chips. The NVIDIA H100 chip is specifically designed for large-scale language models. CoreWeave, a cloud computing service provider focused on GPUs, is headquartered in New York and is also a startup company.

One of Inflection AI's co-founders, Suleyman, stated in a statement, "Personal AI will be the most transformative tool in our lifetime. This is indeed a turning point."

NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang also mentioned that Inflection AI is utilizing NVIDIA technology to deploy large-scale generative AI models, making personal digital assistants truly impressive.