2023.06.30 06:22
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Microsoft launches AI shopping tool: available on Bing and Edge, it intelligently compares prices.

Microsoft AI tools can generate shopping lists based on usage scenarios, automatically summarize product evaluations, reviews, and features to provide intelligent recommendations. Finally, they compare prices, search for coupons, and offer users the lowest price.

Online shopping has completely changed the way people shop. However, with the increase in choices and information, people have to look through a large number of reviews and evaluations, making online shopping burdensome. Nowadays, the development of AI can make online shopping simpler and more convenient.

On Thursday, Microsoft Bing officially updated its blog, announcing a new feature for Bing Search and Edge. Bing and Edge's AI chatbots will provide a range of new intelligent shopping tools.

Specifically, this tool can generate shopping lists based on usage scenarios, automatically summarize product reviews, evaluations, and features to provide intelligent recommendations, and finally compare prices and find coupons to offer users the lowest price.

According to Bing, this tool has three main functions:

1. Provide shopping guides. For example, if you enter "college supplies" in the search box, it will generate a tailored "Buying Guide" that tells you what to look for in each category, provides product suggestions, and displays specifications of multiple similar items in an intelligent comparison table, allowing you to quickly compare various options.

2. Summarize evaluations of similar products to provide a quick overview. For instance, when purchasing headphones, prices can range from $30 to $300, and each brand has different specifications and numerous reviews. Bing will suggest aspects to consider when buying headphones, such as sound quality and device compatibility. When you find headphones you like, you can ask Bing Chat for a brief summary and quickly view key insights and opinions about the product.

3. Find the best prices and save money even after purchase. After selecting a product, Bing and Edge can help you find the best price and purchase time. They can even monitor the price of the product after your purchase and notify you when it drops, allowing you to apply for price matching (buying the item at a lower price).

Previously, Edge already had auxiliary features related to online shopping. This AI expansion further improves the user's online shopping experience.

It is worth mentioning that when there is a feature dedicated to buying guides in the entire search ecosystem, other companies may follow suit. For example, Microsoft embeds this feature in Bing, and Google and other companies will also launch similar features.