2023.07.05 03:09
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Japan's "AI Ambition": Chips Surpassing NVIDIA, Establishing "Universal Basic Income" to Address Unemployment

Japan goes all out to boost AI, can it recover the lost thirty years?

Japan, which has missed several waves of technological development, is now going all-in on artificial intelligence.

On Tuesday, Japan's Minister of Economy, Yasutoshi Nishimura, stated at a seminar held at the University of Tokyo that Japan is laying the groundwork to become a hub for some of the world's top AI companies.

Nishimura emphasized the importance of supporting promising startups and large enterprises, as well as fostering discussions on universal basic income, as AI may eliminate more jobs. With the advancement of AI, as robots, drones, autonomous vehicles, and other devices take on more tasks, people will have more time of their own.

Nishimura stated:

Japan also needs the capability to drive AI training processors, such as the development of GPU chips for AI technology. Currently, this field is dominated by the AI chip giant NVIDIA, which has become the world's most valuable chip company due to its early bet on the AI track. I hope Japan can produce a company that surpasses NVIDIA.

It is worth mentioning that the Japanese government, led by Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, has increased financial support for the domestic chip industry. The country is preparing to provide billions of dollars in subsidies with the goal of doubling chip production by 2030. Additionally, a government-supported fund is also working to support Japan's chip material supply chain.

Furthermore, Japan has had a longer public discussion on the impact of AI on society compared to most countries. While Japan is currently drafting guidelines for the use of generative AI this year, Kishida stated that these regulations may not necessarily slow down the progress of AI.

Masayoshi Son, the founder of SoftBank Group and a billionaire, also attended the meeting. Despite experiencing setbacks in the AI field, Son remains very optimistic about the AI track. He stated:

When we are no longer the smartest beings on Earth, we need to discuss what it means to be human. Now is the time for Japan to put all its efforts into artificial intelligence.