2023.07.05 11:06
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关乎平台经济,浙江省有大动作!Representatives from 100 platform companies, including Alibaba and CLOUD MUSIC, attended the conference.

The "Implementation Opinions on Promoting the High-Quality Development of the Platform Economy" in Zhejiang Province proposes to support and guide platform enterprises that meet the conditions to go public at home and abroad; implement a "traffic light" system for capital investment, strengthen investment monitoring and supervision, issue "yellow light" warnings for risks of disorderly expansion across industries and fields, and prevent capital mergers and acquisitions from causing issues such as exclusion and restricted competition.

According to Zhejiang Daily, on July 5th, Zhejiang held a provincial conference on the high-quality development of the platform economy. Representatives from 100 platform companies, including Alibaba and NetEase, were invited to attend. This is the first provincial conference in the country with the theme of the platform economy, and it is also the first time that Zhejiang has held a provincial-level meeting on the platform economy. At the meeting, Zhejiang issued the "Implementation Opinions on Promoting the High-Quality Development of the Platform Economy," which is also the first implementation opinions in the country to promote the high-quality development of the platform economy.

Zhejiang has issued the "Implementation Opinions on Promoting the High-Quality Development of the Platform Economy," supporting technological innovation in platform companies. It encourages platform companies to form innovation consortia with upstream and downstream enterprises in the industrial chain and universities and research institutes, and carry out scientific research on underlying technologies and bottleneck technologies in the platform economy. It has achieved a number of significant results in the fields of big data, cloud computing, blockchain, operating systems, processors, and more.

The implementation opinions propose to promote the construction of computing power infrastructure, optimize the layout of artificial intelligence computing power platforms, strengthen algorithm innovation and application, and build an ecosystem for algorithm transformation and application. It supports platform companies in building demonstration bases for mass entrepreneurship and innovation, engineering research centers, key laboratories, technology innovation centers, and other carriers. It implements the policy of deducting pre-tax R&D expenses for platform companies in accordance with laws and regulations. It supports platform companies in conducting technological research and development and other innovation activities through open innovation resources and crowdsourcing tasks. Furthermore, it further improves the intellectual property protection system that adapts to the innovative development of platform companies, guides enterprises in protecting intellectual property rights and trade secrets, and protects the legitimate rights and interests of rights holders and relevant parties.

The implementation opinions propose to optimize the market access rules for the platform economy. It implements the "traffic light" system for capital investment, strengthens investment monitoring and supervision, issues "yellow light" warnings for risks of disorderly expansion across industries and fields, and guards against issues such as exclusion and restricted competition caused by capital mergers and acquisitions.

The implementation opinions propose to support and guide eligible platform companies to go public at home and abroad, strengthen compliance guidance and counseling services for platform companies preparing for listing. Deepen the construction of comprehensive pilot zones for cross-border e-commerce, and increase support for overseas logistics systems such as overseas warehouses. Support platform companies in participating deeply in the World Internet Conference in Wuzhen.

The opinions also propose to improve the rules for platform financial risk control. Strictly implement relevant laws and regulations in the financial business field of platform companies, and prohibit illegal engagement in fund payment and settlement businesses. Strengthen functional supervision and comprehensive supervision, improve the regulatory rules for cross-border and cross-type financial products. Implement the regulatory system for financial holding companies, strictly regulate platform companies' investment in financial institutions and local financial organizations, strengthen risk management and related party transaction management, and urge platform companies and their controlling and participating financial institutions to strictly implement capital and leverage ratio requirements. Regulate the cooperation between platform companies and banks and insurance institutions, and strictly prohibit platform companies from violating regional financial institutions' operating scope restrictions through sales and diversion. Promote coordinated governance of financial marketing activities among multiple departments, and enhance the comprehensiveness and transparency of business information disclosure.

On July 5th, the State Administration for Market Regulation and the Zhejiang Provincial Government held a signing ceremony for the "Strategic Cooperation Agreement on Jointly Promoting the High-Quality Development of the Platform Economy" in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. Based on the functions of market regulation and the actual situation in Zhejiang Province, the agreement aims to promote the high-quality development of the platform economy, create a better environment for the development of the platform economy, and comprehensively enhance the open competitiveness of the platform economy, supporting Zhejiang to take the lead in piloting institutional innovation, policy experimentation, and capacity building.Below is the "Implementation Opinions on Promoting the High-Quality Development of the Platform Economy" Full Text:

In order to thoroughly implement the decision-making arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on the platform economy, firmly grasp the main tone of standardized, healthy, and sustainable development, and accelerate the high-quality development of the platform economy in our province, the following implementation opinions are now proposed.

I. General Requirements

(I) Guiding ideology. Guided by Xi Jinping's socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics for a new era, thoroughly implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Central Economic Work Conference, in accordance with the requirements of the 15th Provincial Party Congress, the 15th Provincial Party Committee's Second Plenary Session, and the Provincial Party Committee's Economic Work Conference, based on the new development stage, fully, accurately, and comprehensively implement the new development concept, starting from the strategic height of building new advantages in national competition, adhering to the concept of inclusive, prudent, and well-regulated supervision, grasping the development laws of the platform economy, establishing and improving rules and systems, optimizing the development environment of the platform economy, improving the level of normalized supervision, supporting platform enterprises in leading development, creating employment, and international competition, and making new contributions to our province's efforts to build "two pioneers" and create an "important window" for the Chinese-style modernization of Zhejiang.

(II) Target requirements. By 2027, comprehensively build a more dynamic innovation system, a diversified and integrated ecological system, a precise and efficient service system, a fair and transparent rule system, and an efficient and collaborative supervision system. The innovative vitality of the platform economy will burst forth, and the development ecology will be comprehensively optimized. The number of network operators and the volume of platform network transactions will continue to grow steadily. The role of the platform economy in optimizing resource allocation, promoting industrial upgrading, and expanding the consumer market will be fully played. In terms of enhancing the competitiveness of platform enterprises and promoting fair competition and innovative supervision in an integrated manner, we will take the lead in the country and make every effort to build a province that leads the modern governance of the platform economy.

II. Key Measures

(I) Enhancing innovative development momentum and focusing on building a more dynamic innovation system

  1. Supporting technological innovation of platform enterprises. Encourage platform enterprises to form innovation consortia with upstream and downstream enterprises in the industrial chain, universities, and research institutes, and carry out scientific research on platform economy underlying technologies and "bottleneck" technologies. Achieve a number of significant achievements in the fields of big data, cloud computing, blockchain, operating systems, processors, etc. Promote the construction of computing power infrastructure, optimize the layout of artificial intelligence computing power platforms, strengthen algorithm innovation and application, and build an ecosystem for algorithm transformation and application. Support platform enterprises in building demonstration bases for mass entrepreneurship and innovation, engineering research centers, key laboratories, and technology innovation centers. Implement the policy of pre-tax deduction of R&D expenses for platform enterprises in accordance with laws and regulations. Support platform enterprises in conducting better technological research and development activities through open innovation resources, crowdsourcing tasks, and other means. Further improve the intellectual property protection system that adapts to the innovative development of platform enterprises, guide enterprises to protect intellectual property rights and trade secrets, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of rights holders and relevant parties.

  2. Promoting innovation in platform enterprise models. Give full play to the leading role of innovation and create a "platform-scenario-ecosystem" model. Through the open innovation mechanism of the platform economy, develop "product + content + ecosystem" application scenarios and cultivate a new ecology of the Internet industry.Support the integration and innovation of platform economy elements, and pilot the marketization process of key industry data elements. Conduct pilot trials in the fields of industrial manufacturing, trade logistics, and social governance. Expand the sources of elements, accelerate the circulation and reorganization of elements, and promote innovative development models of the platform economy. Pilot the exploration of a new model of resource sharing that separates ownership from usage rights, activate idle resources such as cloud platforms, development tools, and workshop factories, and cultivate new forms of sharing economy. Encourage platform enterprises to carry out innovative business crowdsourcing and open up more resources to small and medium-sized enterprises.

Encourage future scenario innovation in the platform economy. Encourage platform enterprises to use innovative technologies such as blockchain, digital twins, and augmented reality to create diverse application scenarios for the future. Accelerate the construction of new advantages in the future industry of the metaverse, support the construction of comprehensive experimental platforms for the metaverse by diverse entities, strengthen the application of the metaverse in various scenarios, and comprehensively promote the industrialization, scaling, and internationalization of the metaverse. Encourage platform enterprises to participate in the pilot application of digital currency, deepen the pilot application in retail transactions, life payments, government services, and other scenarios. Support platform enterprises to participate in the construction of smart cities, implement the transformation and construction of regional intelligent services such as communities, buildings, and parks, and create smart business districts, smart blocks, and future communities. Support platform enterprises in providing digital transformation technologies and services for key industries and specific scenarios. Encourage platform enterprises to build a platform system of "production services + business models + financial services" in accordance with laws and regulations, and standardize the development of supply chain financial services.

Accelerate the innovation of the platform economy standard system. Adapt to the development trends and needs of new industries, new formats, and new models in the platform economy, focus on the development direction, key areas, and advantageous industries of the platform economy, promote the development of a batch of international standards and national standards that conform to the development direction and reflect technological innovation, explore and promote the opening of standards and institutional systems in fields such as e-commerce, and drive the development of basic common standards and key technical standards, and strive to build a platform development standard system that is conducive to stimulating innovation vitality, enhancing development momentum, and improving international competitiveness. Focus on strengthening the governance of the platform economy, formulate standards for platform enterprise competition compliance, data security compliance, personal information protection compliance, and other areas in different industries and fields, and strive to build a compliance standard system that ensures bottom-line security, standardizes order, and controls risks.

Empower economic transformation and upgrading, and strive to build a diverse and integrated ecological system.

Enhance the consumption creation capability of platforms. Carry out actions to promote new digital life services and further enrich digital consumption scenarios. Encourage platform enterprises to use new technologies such as the Internet of Things, cloud computing, big data, and artificial intelligence to create all-round, multi-scenario, immersive consumption experiences. Accelerate the expansion and upgrading of information consumption, and promote the extension and coverage of information consumption products and services to rural areas. Support platform enterprises in launching barrier-free products and digital applications for vulnerable groups such as the elderly and disabled, and reduce the threshold for the use of new technologies. Implement preferential tax policies for second-hand goods and encourage more businesses to participate in online transactions of second-hand items. Encourage local governments to issue consumer vouchers through platform enterprises to stimulate consumption market vitality.

Empower the upgrading of the manufacturing industry with digital intelligence. Support platform enterprises to empower the production and manufacturing processes based on market and data advantages, and cultivate new growth points such as intelligent manufacturing and reverse customization. Encourage platform enterprises to cooperate with parks and industrial clusters to explore new production methods and service models such as intelligent manufacturing and service-oriented manufacturing, and promote the digital transformation, networked collaboration, andIntelligent upgrading. Support platform enterprises that meet the conditions to leverage their own advantages and strive to create national-level cross-industry and cross-domain industrial internet platforms. Encourage "chain-leading" enterprises to collaborate with platform enterprises to build industrial internet platforms, expanding and deepening their role in facilitating communication among large, medium, and small enterprises. Support platform enterprises' participation in the construction of "industry brain + future factory," promote the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry, enhance the "1+N" industrial internet platform system, cultivate future factories, digital factories, and cloud-based enterprises, and establish a number of benchmark examples of "platform + enterprise" digital transformation. Promote inclusive "cloud-based intelligent utilization of data" services, encouraging platform enterprises and digital service providers to provide intelligent analysis, manufacturing, marketing, production, and other collaborative solutions and scenario services for the industrial chain of large, medium, and small enterprises.

  1. Promote the digital transformation of agriculture and rural areas. Encourage platform enterprises to participate in the development of innovative applications such as digital control of agricultural production, smart agricultural supply chains, and traceability systems for agricultural product quality and safety, improving the level of digitization in agricultural production, processing, sales, logistics, and other aspects. Build digital capabilities for agriculture and rural areas. Improve the public service system for rural e-commerce, fully utilizing the characteristics of panoramic presentation, traffic generation, real-time interaction, and other features of new e-commerce, broaden the online sales channels for agricultural products, and create well-known brands for agricultural products and regional public brands. Support the sinking of the supply chain of e-commerce platforms, participate in the digital transformation of the sales and logistics system of agricultural products, and promote the full coverage of express delivery outlets and e-commerce distribution in administrative villages. Support platform enterprises in assisting new formats and models such as customized (order-based) agriculture and shared agriculture.
  1. Expand the development space of the digital cultural industry. Actively implement the national cultural digitization strategy, innovate and develop online content consumption, strengthen industries such as online audiovisual, animation games, and e-sports, and explore new cultural models such as "cloud performances," "cloud exhibitions," and "cloud reading." Promote the application of new technologies such as blockchain, smart wearable devices, unmanned intelligent tours, holographic presentations, digital twins, and multilingual interaction in the cultural field, creating new growth points for digital cultural consumption. Strengthen the connection mechanism between platform enterprises and local governments, create a number of regionally distinctive digital cultural products and scenarios. Promote pilot projects for the local management of domestically produced online games, optimize and standardize the game approval process, and strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights in online games.
  1. Promote inclusive and shared internet medical services. Support the innovation of internet medical service models, guide medical institutions to standardize online health consultations, online diagnosis, remote consultations, health management, home-based medical care, and family doctors. Improve the hierarchical diagnosis and treatment service system on the internet, support platform enterprises to participate in the information construction of medical institutions at all levels in the province, empower county-level medical communities with technology, and promote the sharing and downward shift of medical resources. Promote the reform of mutual recognition and sharing of medical examination and test results, and build a major application of "Zhejiang Medical Mutual Recognition," accelerating the application of cross-regional and cross-level sharing of medical data.
  1. Promote the transformation and upgrading of intelligent transportation. Promote the empowerment of transportation development with data resources, accelerate the integration and development of platforms with transportation infrastructure networks, transportation service networks, and energy networks, and build ubiquitous advanced transportation information infrastructure. Accelerate the implementation of smart postal projects, strengthen the application and promotion of advanced technologies and equipment such as "three intelligences and one code" and Beidou. Encourage postal enterprises to develop new models such as integrated warehousing and distribution, intelligent delivery, and contactless delivery throughout the entire process.Support the integration of social transportation resources on conditionally supported travel service platforms, strengthen the development of travel service products and service application scenarios, and create a convenient vertical service platform for travel. Encourage the use of technologies such as big data and cloud computing to achieve seamless connection between long-distance travel for residents and urban-rural transportation services. Guide enterprises to establish the concept of travel as a service and develop high-quality and differentiated "big data + transportation services" through government-enterprise cooperation and other means.

(III) Continuously optimize the development environment and focus on building a precise and efficient service system.

  1. Reduce the operating costs of participants in the platform economy. Encourage financial institutions to implement support measures such as deferred repayment of principal and interest, simplified application procedures, no downward adjustment of loan risk classification, and no impact on credit records for the difficult operating households affected by the epidemic on the platform. Encourage government financing guarantee institutions to provide financing guarantee services for temporarily troubled small and micro enterprises and individual businesses on the platform, with an average guarantee fee rate not exceeding 1%. Implement preferential policies on income tax for small and micro enterprises, and exempt value-added tax for small-scale taxpayers as required. Implement stable employment support policies for platform enterprises that meet the conditions and increase financial support. Provide social security subsidies to difficult individuals relying on flexible employment on the platform and college graduates within 2 years of graduation according to regulations. Encourage basic telecommunications companies to reduce broadband and dedicated line fees for enterprises, and reduce the costs of small and micro enterprises for network access and use. Support platform enterprises to actively participate in the production, supply, and price stabilization of major natural disasters and major epidemic prevention and control materials in the province, and include platform enterprises that meet the conditions in the list of epidemic prevention and control materials and important livelihood commodities. Implement policies on tax reduction, exemption, and fee reduction, and encourage platform enterprises to carry out online public welfare charity projects.

  2. Strengthen the protection of the rights and interests of new employment groups in the platform economy. Guide platform enterprises to use labor legally and compliantly, sign labor contracts or written agreements with workers in accordance with laws and regulations, and support new employment forms that meet the conditions to participate in basic pension, work-related injury, and medical insurance as required. Relax the household registration restrictions on flexible employment personnel participating in social insurance at their place of employment. Promote commercial insurance companies to launch third-party commercial insurance products suitable for new employment forms and reasonably determine premium standards. Establish vocational skills training models suitable for new employment forms, and provide vocational training subsidies to personnel who meet the conditions as required. Promote new employment groups to establish trade unions in accordance with the law, encourage new employment groups to actively join the trade unions, and promote collective bargaining between trade unions and platform enterprises to ensure that institutional rules are open and transparent.

  3. Optimize the safe and secure online consumption environment. Urge platform enterprises to establish and improve transaction rules, strengthen the guarantee of product and service quality and safety, and effectively fulfill consumer rights protection obligations. Strengthen government-enterprise collaboration, improve diversified consumer dispute resolution mechanisms, innovate online consumer rights protection models, and improve the efficiency of handling online disputes. Strengthen the restraint and punishment of malicious complainants through credit records and consumer behavior audits, and encourage and guide consumers to exercise their rights in a legal and reasonable manner. Improve the coordination mechanism between the judiciary and the administration, and effectively respond to and deal with malicious complaints and reports.

  4. Promote the construction of open and shared data platforms. Encourage platform enterprises to build open and shared cloud platforms, providing on-demand, dynamically scalable, high-quality, and low-cost data storage, software development, transaction payment, and other services for small and medium-sized enterprises. Promote the formulation of standards for system migration and interconnection between cloud platforms, and accelerate business and data interconnection.Encourage platform companies to provide low-code-driven digital platform tools to enhance the operational efficiency of operators within the platform through technological empowerment. Support platform companies in promoting the construction of open-source communities and ecological alliances, driving the integration of a group of small and medium-sized software companies into the open-source community. Continuously promote the open sharing of public data and establish a standardized, orderly, secure, and efficient mechanism for the development and utilization of public data.

  1. Enhance the international competitiveness of platform companies. Support platform companies in achieving diversified overseas layouts, cultivate a supporting service ecosystem with upstream and downstream collaboration relying on overseas economic and trade cooperation zones, overseas digital industrial parks, and overseas warehouses. Support platform companies in establishing research and development institutions overseas through mergers and acquisitions or self-construction to enhance the global allocation capability of innovative resources. Give full play to the role of the "Zhejiang Enterprises Going Global+" comprehensive service platform, providing intellectual property rights, business coordination, legal advisory, and other services for platform companies. Support and guide eligible platform companies to go public at home and abroad, strengthen compliance guidance and counseling services for platform companies preparing for listing. Deepen the construction of comprehensive pilot zones for cross-border e-commerce and increase support for overseas logistics systems such as overseas warehouses. Support platform companies in participating deeply in the World Internet Conference in Wuzhen.
  1. Strengthen the guarantee of talents in the platform economy. Coordinate the construction of talent teams in the platform economy, support platform companies in introducing and cultivating compound, managerial, and skilled talents. Implement a series of actions to gather young talents in the platform economy, vigorously introduce high-level talents and leading teams from home and abroad, and accelerate the internationalization of local high-quality talents. Encourage platform companies to cooperate with schools to build a talent cultivation system that integrates production, education, training, and selection, as well as government-enterprise-social collaboration. Encourage various universities and research institutions to strengthen the cultivation of high-end talents in the platform economy. Optimize public services for talent innovation and entrepreneurship, deepen the reform of the entire cycle of talent innovation and entrepreneurship, and create a green channel for high-level talent innovation and entrepreneurship.

(IV) Improve and perfect the regulatory system, focus on building a fair and transparent rule system.

  1. Establish and improve inclusive and prudent regulatory rules. Based on the principle of encouraging innovation, formulate regulatory rules and standards in different fields, leaving enough space for the development of new forms of the platform economy while strictly adhering to the safety bottom line. For new forms that are not yet fully understood, set a certain observation period and adopt flexible law enforcement methods such as administrative guidance, administrative interviews, and warning admonitions, and use administrative penalties cautiously. For new forms that are still in the nurturing stage and have growth potential, explore "sandbox regulation" and trigger-based regulation to achieve the organic unity of "no disturbance" and efficient regulation. For some relatively mature new forms of development, encourage platform companies to actively formulate enterprise standards, participate in the formulation of industry standards, and improve product quality and service levels. Improve credit classification management, strengthen the disclosure of credit information, implement a system for managing serious violations of laws and regulations, and promote the credit repair work of platform companies in accordance with laws and regulations.
  1. Optimize the market access rules for the platform economy. Implement a "traffic light" system for capital investment, strengthen investment monitoring and supervision, issue "yellow light" warnings for risks of cross-industry and cross-domain disorderly expansion, and prevent capital mergers and acquisitions from causing exclusion and restricting competition. Fully implement the negative list system for market access and the management system of pre-establishment national treatment plus negative list for foreign investment, clean up and regulate administrative licenses, qualifications, and other matters that restrict the healthy development of the platform economy, and ensure that all types of market entities can enter the platform economy field on an equal basis in accordance with the law.Shrewdly introduce new format access restriction policies, giving innovative enterprises the opportunity to be the first to try. Relax access restrictions on integrated products and services, allowing relevant market entities to enter as long as they do not violate laws and regulations. Relax registration restrictions on emerging industry company names, allowing the use of words that reflect the characteristics of new formats as company names.
  1. Improve fair competition rules in the platform economy. Fully implement laws and regulations such as the Anti-Monopoly Law of the People's Republic of China, the E-commerce Law of the People's Republic of China, and the Anti-Unfair Competition Law of the People's Republic of China. Establish a coordination and guarantee mechanism for fair competition policies and industrial policies, improve the framework of the fair competition system, and optimize the implementation of industrial policies. Implement compliance management standards for platform enterprises and provide compliance guidance. Guide platforms to promote ecological openness in an orderly manner and provide services to the outside world fairly according to unified rules.

  2. Establish rules for platform data and algorithm management. Explore the construction of an algorithm security governance system, implement measures such as algorithm filing, hierarchical classification management, and algorithm security assessment for regulation. Promote platform enterprises to fulfill their responsibilities for network security and implement the network security level protection system. Conduct security assessments of new internet technologies and applications, establish data security risk monitoring and emergency response mechanisms. Encourage platforms to enhance algorithm transparency and interpretability, and encourage industry associations and social organizations to work with platform enterprises to formulate algorithm standards for the reasonable use of personal information. Strictly implement the Data Security Law of the People's Republic of China and the Measures for the Security Assessment of Cross-border Data Transfer, actively guide platform enterprises to conduct risk assessments for cross-border data transfer, and strengthen monitoring and early warning of data export. Encourage platform enterprises to obtain data security management certification, further standardize network data processing activities, and strengthen network data security protection.

  3. Improve rules for platform financial risk control. Strictly implement relevant laws and regulations in the field of platform enterprise financial business and prohibit illegal engagement in fund payment and settlement business. Strengthen functional supervision and comprehensive supervision, improve cross-border and cross-type financial product penetration supervision rules. Implement the regulatory system for financial holding companies, strictly regulate platform enterprises' investment in financial institutions and local financial organizations, strengthen risk management and related party transaction management, and urge platform enterprises and their controlling and participating financial institutions to strictly implement capital and leverage ratio requirements. Regulate the cooperation between platform enterprises and banking and insurance institutions, strictly prohibit platform enterprises from illegally helping regional financial institutions expand their business scope through sales and diversion. Promote multi-department coordination in the governance of financial marketing activities, and enhance the comprehensiveness and transparency of business information disclosure.

(V) Accelerate platform governance innovation and focus on building an efficient and collaborative regulatory system.

  1. Strengthen collaborative governance of the platform economy. Adhere to the principle of integrating online and offline supervision, achieve unified approval, supervision, and management by competent authorities. Strengthen departmental coordination, enhance policy linkage and coordination, and avoid duplicate law enforcement and inspections. Explore the establishment of case consultation, joint law enforcement, and joint punishment mechanisms. Promote industry self-discipline, encourage industry associations to lead the formulation of group standards and industry self-discipline conventions. Strengthen social supervision, explore mechanisms for public and third-party professional institutions to participate in supervision. Establish a regular consultation mechanism between regulatory authorities and platform enterprises, and encourage and support platform enterprises to participate in collaborative governance of the platform economy.Relying on the construction of the National Network Market Supervision and Service Demonstration Zone, we are exploring the establishment of a regulatory model that is suitable for the development of the platform economy, and forming a batch of replicable and promotable governance experiences.

  2. Iterative digital regulation of the platform economy. We will continue to promote the application optimization and level improvement of the digital smart regulation platform for the platform economy, iterate and upgrade digital regulation platforms such as "Zhejiang Fair Online" and "Zhejiang Takeout Online", strengthen risk warning and closed-loop disposal of monopolistic and unfair competition behaviors, online catering, internet advertising, and platform enterprise financial services. We will strengthen the monitoring of online public opinion risks in the platform economy and increase efforts to dispose of illegal and harmful information in the platform economy. We will promote the integrated reform of comprehensive governance of online live streaming, carry out risk monitoring of online live streaming and other new formats, vigorously cultivate "green live streaming rooms", and promote benign and orderly competition in the live streaming industry.

  3. Scientific and reasonable definition of platform responsibilities. We will strengthen institutional norms in the field of the platform economy, scientifically classify platform business categories and scale levels, sort out and formulate a list of platform responsibilities, and clarify the boundaries of platform responsibilities. We will conduct compliance evaluations of platform enterprises, strengthen analysis and assessment of platform risk and hidden dangers, and promptly warn of violations. We will strengthen the supervision and law enforcement responsibilities of government departments, explore the implementation of incentive mechanisms for platform enterprise compliance, and study specific standards for platform due diligence and exemption. We will adhere to proportionate penalties, implement a system of not punishing minor violations of the law, and mitigate penalties, taking into account the nature, circumstances, social harm, and subjective fault of the violations, and make discretionary decisions in accordance with the law, adhering to proportionate penalties and achieving the unity of law enforcement and social effects.

  4. Standardize the enforcement of online market supervision. Focusing on key issues that are highly concerned by society, have a wide impact, and reflect strong sentiments, we will improve the full-chain supervision and law enforcement mechanism before, during, and after the process to maintain a fair and competitive order in the online market. We will dispose of monopolistic and unfair competition behaviors in the field of the platform economy in accordance with the law. We will strengthen the regulation of platform advertising orientation and strengthen the regulation of key areas of advertising. We will implement the obligation of online operators to recall defective products. We will strengthen the management and supervision of platform rules, as well as fees such as platform deposits, prepayments, and guarantees. We will intensify the supervision of illegal operation by platform enterprises in the transportation field. We will strengthen the obligation of platform enterprises to submit tax-related information and crack down on tax-related illegal and irregular behaviors such as concealing and transferring income and changing the nature of income. We will increase law enforcement efforts against black PR and online water armies, and protect the reputation of enterprises in accordance with the law.

III. Organization and Implementation

  1. Strengthen organizational leadership. Strengthen the Party's leadership in the work of the platform economy and adhere to the correct political direction. Establish a provincial joint meeting system for the work of the platform economy, strengthen the collaborative judgment of major issues in the field of the platform economy, strengthen the overall coordination of regulatory actions and policies, and guard against unexpected risks caused by policy overlaps. Accelerate the transformation of platform economy management and build organizational structures that are more efficient and stronger in regulating platform enterprises.

  2. Enhance policy promotion. Further interpret policies, actively promote the innovative practices and positive contributions of platform enterprises in areas such as technological innovation, rural revitalization, and common prosperity, and increase publicity efforts for platform enterprises to fulfill social responsibilities, practice social welfare, and care for and support new employment groups.

(III) Strengthening the implementation of responsibilities. Strengthen provincial-level coordination, further implement local territorial management responsibilities, adhere to the organic unity of responsibility division, evaluation and assessment, and accountability. Improve the policy system for promoting the development of the platform economy, timely study and solve major issues in the implementation of platform economy policies, and promote the timely implementation and effectiveness of various policy measures.