2023.07.09 06:40
I'm PortAI, I can summarize articles.

Unbelievable "magic" officially unleashed! The most powerful application since GPT-4, the "Code Interpreter," is now online!

With just one prompt, you can analyze data, create charts, edit files, and perform mathematical operations! Overnight, countless workers' positions were disrupted.

Today, the beta version of ChatGPT Code Interpreter is officially available to all Plus users, which is perhaps the most powerful feature in GPT-4 history. With it, even if you are not a programmer, you can complete tasks that require complex programming techniques only by issuing instructions to ChatGPT in natural language. The code parser enables ChatGPT to run code and access files uploaded by users for complex operations such as analyzing data, creating charts, editing files, and performing mathematical operations. ## How to turn it on? Open the ChatGPT page, click the Settings in the lower right corner, and then turn on the switch of the Code interpreter in the Beta features. Then select under the GPT-4 model TAB.! ! After the code interpreter is enabled, you can click the \number on the left side of the input box to upload the file.! The following are some examples of netizens: ## * * Image Processing * * Greg Brockman, co-founder of OpenAI, demonstrated the powerful mathematical operation and mapping capabilities of the code interpreter on Twitter. Enter prompt: Can you plot 10000 random points on the plane, with each dimension coming from a normal distribution?! Generate a QR code showing OpenAI official website.! Automatic matting. **** No need for any software, no need to use the mouse to draw circles, as long as a line of prompt can automatically matting! * * * ! ## Format Conversion **** PDF to Picture * * * ! * In the past, it was necessary to merge the contents of each page into one map, but now, one prompt is done. * ! * * ! CSV to GIF * * * ! *** GIF to MP4 **Scaleai's cue engineer Riley Goodside tweeted to test the format conversion capability of the code interpreter. Prompt: I will upload a gif and generate a 5-second MP4 video for me, which will be processed with slow scaling effects.! ! GPT-4 completed this task perfectly.! ## To create a palette, you only need a simple prompt to extract colors from the image and create a simple PNG palette.! ## Data analysis Twitter users @ attribution shows the process of analyzing newsletter subscription user data with a code parser. The first is the user's subscription channel.! Then the user's mailbox type.! Further, you can also analyze the trend of subscriber growth in the last month.! It can be seen that the code parser does not need to use any complicated software from analyzing data to mapping, and only needs prompt to complete it. In addition, the code parser can also analyze a playlist to summarize your musical tastes. The following figure shows a netizen trying out the code parser to analyze his 600-hour Spotify playlist. ChatGPT finally combed through the styles she listens to most often by running multi-dimensional PCA and t-SNE analysis.! ! ! ! As long as there is data, anything can be analyzed. One user even used a code interpreter to generate a UFO sighting map.! dealing with financial data, it is also out of the question. **For example, Bitcoin price movements * *! **Average Monthly Closing Price * *! ## Code Interpreter how many people's lives have been cut off after the trial, many netizens lamented that the code interpreter is indeed the most powerful function since OpenAI GPT-4 went online, and they do not know how many jobs will be subverted overnight. One user showed off the code interpreter's ability to process movie files in batches and called out, "How many people's lives have Code Interpreter broken?"!