2023.08.25 02:22
I'm PortAI, I can summarize articles.

Amazon and Disney are in negotiations for ESPN streaming media cooperation.

ESPN is considering charging a monthly fee of $20 to $35 for this new streaming service, which could make it the most expensive streaming service in the United States.

According to insiders, it has been learned from the Zhītōng Cáijīng APP that Amazon (AMZN.US) is in preliminary negotiations with Disney (DIS.US) regarding its development of the ESPN streaming media version, and it may also acquire a minority stake in the sports network.

Insiders said that Disney and ESPN are still determining the appropriate price for this new service.

It is revealed that ESPN is considering charging a monthly fee of $20 to $35 for this new streaming service, which could make it the most expensive streaming service in the United States.

In July of this year, Disney CEO Robert Iger stated that Disney hopes to retain ESPN and is seeking strategic partners to form joint ventures or acquire shares of the sports network in order to help directly reach consumers.