2023.08.25 03:17
I'm PortAI, I can summarize articles.

Hong Kong Stock Market Fluctuation | STAR CM Plunges Over 8%, "China's Good Voice" Program Temporarily Suspended

STAR CM plunged more than 8% in diving, as of the time of writing, it dropped 8.05% to HKD 61.15, with a turnover of HKD 52.28 million.

According to Dolphin Research APP, STAR CM (06698) plunged more than 8%, as of the time of writing, it fell by 8.05% to HKD 61.15, with a turnover of HKD 52.2837 million.

On the news front, the recent Li Wen recording incident has been fermenting repeatedly. On the evening of August 20th, Zhejiang Radio and Television stated that it was investigating and verifying the controversies caused by the program "China's Good Voice". According to the latest news on Zhejiang Satellite TV's official Weibo today, in view of the ongoing investigation into the issues raised by the audience and netizens regarding the program "China's Good Voice", the program has been temporarily suspended.