2023.08.25 05:30
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Short-selling in Hong Kong stocks reached 8.1 billion yuan in the morning session, accounting for 24.2% of the total short-selling volume.

The short-selling amount in the Hong Kong stock market reached 8.1 billion yuan in the first half of the day, accounting for 24.2% of the total short-selling turnover of 33.54 billion yuan.

Hong Kong stocks saw short selling amounting to 8.1 billion yuan in the morning session, accounting for 24.2% of the total short selling turnover of 33.54 billion yuan. This is an increase from the previous day's 19.8%. The top 5 stocks with the highest short selling amounts are as follows: Yingfu Fund (02800.HK) with a short selling ratio of 77% and a short selling amount of 1.68 billion yuan. Meituan-W (03690.HK) with a short selling ratio of 22.6% and a short selling amount of 900 million yuan. Southern Hengsheng Technology (03033.HK) with a short selling ratio of 63.3% and a short selling amount of 740 million yuan. Tencent Holdings (00700.HK) with a short selling ratio of 15.6% and a short selling amount of 280 million yuan. XL 2 Southern Hengke (07226.HK) with a short selling ratio of 49.3% and a short selling amount of 260 million yuan.