2023.08.28 01:31
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Hong Kong Stock Market | XPENG-W Soars Over 14% and Forms Strategic Partnership with DiDi, Officially Entering the Multi-Brand Strategy Phase

XPENG-W rose more than 14%, as of press time, up 14.13% to HKD 74.30, with a turnover of HKD 40.46 million.

Zhitong Financial APP learned that XPENG-W(09868) rose more than 14%, up 14.13 to HK $74.30, with a turnover of HK $40.46 million. On the news, on August 28, XPENG-W and DiDi jointly announced that the two parties will reach a strategic cooperation, maximize the use of superior resources in their respective fields, and jointly promote the large-scale application of smart electric vehicles and related technologies, and accelerate the "technology benefits, smart The landing of equal rights. Through cooperation, XPENG-W will officially enter the multi-brand strategy stage. As the core of this strategic cooperation, an A- class smart electric vehicle will enter the market as the first product of the new XPENG-W brand. It is expected to start mass production in 2024 with the project code "MONA". The new brand models will be positioned differently from XPENG-W existing brand products. At the same time, DiDi will open full ecological empowerment to the XPENG-W for the first time, providing "MONA" with strong multi-dimensional support including intelligent cockpit, intelligent driving and shared travel market, and helping XPENG-W to build explosive models in the "150000" price range. Sealand Securities pointed out that the company's new product cycle has officially started and its sales volume is expected to further increase. It is predicted that the total operating income from 2023 to 2025 will be 340, 626 and 79.9 billion yuan, with year-on-year growth rates of 27%, 84% and 28%. Realize net profit of -103, -76, -4.8 billion yuan; The corresponding EPS is -5.95, -4.41, -2.78 yuan; PS is 3.2, 1.7, 1.3 times, first coverage, give a "buy" rating.