2023.08.28 01:29
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EVERGRANDE resumes trading with a 86.7% opening drop.

EVERGRANDE has announced that it has complied with all the guidelines for resumption of trading. This morning (28th), trading resumed with a significant drop of 86.67%, closing at 0.

EVERGRANDE (03333.HK) has announced that it has fulfilled all the guidelines for resumption of trading. This morning (28th), it resumed trading with a 86.67% decrease, closing at 0.22 yuan. The pre-market trading volume was 70,638,000 shares, involving a total of 15,540,400 yuan. EVERGRANDE has released its interim performance report for the six months ending in June, with revenue reaching 128.181 billion yuan, representing a YoY increase of 43.6%. The loss has narrowed from 66.35 billion yuan in the same period last year to 33.012 billion yuan, with a loss per share of 2.972 yuan. No interim dividend will be distributed. During the period, the financial cost amounted to 19.73 billion yuan. As of the end of June, the total liabilities of the group amounted to 2,388.2 billion yuan, including borrowings of 624.77 billion yuan, trade payables and other payables of 1,056.57 billion yuan, and other liabilities of 102.88 billion yuan. (ad/da)