2023.08.28 14:24
I'm PortAI, I can summarize articles.

"The Dual Life of the 'Wall Street Guru'"

In the first half of life, he was "glorified," but in the second half, he became "vilified".

And like some of the "masters" who specialize in stock analysis in mainland China, Wall Street also has those "gurus" who are everywhere but are dissed by all parties.

For example, Jim Cramer (pictured below).

Throughout his career, he has had many "magical performances" in the first half, attracting many fans.

In the second half, he became the focus of attention from all sides, and gradually became a well-known "contrarian indicator".

But he himself doesn't mind, seemingly enjoying it, still frequently speaking out on various platforms and media, attracting attention from all sides, and promoting the concept that "no news is bad news".

Until he invited Musk........

The Birth of "Financial Big V"

In recent years, the overseas famous financial "Big V" have had good education, qualifications, and investment experience.

But Cramer's allocation is "top-notch".

Information shows that he was born in 1955. In 1977, he obtained his first undergraduate degree from Harvard University, and in 1984, he obtained a Juris Doctor degree from Harvard Law School, making him a "straight-A student".

During his time at law school, Cramer began investing in the stock market, gaining insights and promoting his own stock selection methods.

In the 1980s, the U.S. stock market experienced a series of bull markets after the Volcker tightening, and Cramer fully utilized his personal strengths and characteristics to create his own expert image, which was a great success.

It must be said that this is the result of both the times and personal efforts.

Becoming Famous and "Influential"

Cramer's success has both accidental and inevitable factors.

His early career as a journalist, his eloquence, and his sensitivity to news were key factors in his personal career.

Cramer served as a journalist as early as 1978, and in his youth, he wrote many reports, including sensational criminal cases.

In 1984, Cramer obtained his hard-earned Juris Doctor degree from Harvard Law School. This should have been the beginning of his legal career, but unexpectedly, he became a stockbroker.

Moreover, Cramer was ambitious. Between 1987 and 2000, he managed a small-scale hedge fund, and the annualized return of some of its products at certain stages was claimed to exceed 20%.

At the same time, his "side job" in journalism did not stop. He was busy writing online columns and participating in radio programs.

In 2001, Cramer "retired" from the aforementioned hedge fund and devoted himself more to the career of a financial "Big V".

Two Sides of the Same Coin

After 2001, Cramer became involved in a nationwide television program and became a key member, attracting more attention.

This program is also quite unique. In Cramer's own words, the purpose of the program is to teach people how to think like professional investors. Is it possible to make professional investments just by watching TV programs?

This sounds unreliable.

But it must be admitted that this slogan is very tempting for stock investors who are not deeply involved in the market.

Perhaps because of this, Cramer has "carried" this program with the "slander" for year after year, for a total of more than 20 years.

"Daring" to tell the truth?

Anyone who has watched Cramer's program will be impressed by his daring nature.

His firm stance and unique language style are very attractive to viewers.

In his program, he often "challenges" the seriousness of conventional investment processes, frequently making "dramatic" expressions without explaining the logic, and emphasizing his confidence;

At the same time, he expresses his optimism about one company today and another company tomorrow, giving opinions on hundreds of US stocks every year;

Finally, his stance changes quite frequently and dramatically. For example, he once considered himself a loyal investor in Tesla and Bitcoin. But later, he "changed his stance" and even claimed to have already reduced and sold them.

These "extreme" operations have gained him a group of fans who love and even "deify" him. But they have also attracted the disgust of others, who are always ready to criticize him.

Practical "refutation"

Since Cramer provides opinions and targets a wide audience, whether his "opinions" are accurate or not is unknown.

But an investment firm suddenly took action to uncover the "truth".

Tuttle Capital, a company specializing in asset management, recently launched an ETF that focuses on tracking Cramer's stock-picking results.

This ETF, called the "Long Cramer Tracker ETF," was created to address certain issues.

Since its listing in March this year, the ETF has only achieved a return rate of 2.2%. Meanwhile, the broad-based index of the US stock market has increased by at least 15% during the same period.

On August 21, Tuttle Capital issued a statement announcing that the "Long Cramer Tracker" ETF will cease trading on September 11.

Ironically, the firm also plans to launch the "InVerse Cramer Tracker ETF," which aims to track Cramer's stock-picking results in the opposite direction.

Surprisingly, this ETF has attracted twice the amount of investment subscriptions compared to the previous "Long Cramer Tracker" ETF.

Perhaps thinking that the matter is not big enough, Matt Tuttle, the CEO of Tuttle Capital, has repeatedly stated in public,

"These ETFs were created to facilitate a dialogue with Cramer about his stock picks. Unfortunately, Cramer has consistently refused to engage in a dialogue and has chosen to ignore these funds. Therefore, there is no reason to continue going long. In the future, we will only focus on the short side."

From Friends to Foes with Musk

For a long time, Cramer was a fervent supporter of Tesla.

He consistently "made the call" for Tesla even when its stock price was declining and falling short of market expectations.

However, their relationship took a sharp turn for the worse after Musk joined the public social media platform.

For instance, Cramer publicly stated on his show that the current executives at Twitter were not as competent as those at Facebook.

Musk, on the other hand, liked a comment from a social media user that said, "If you had invested all your assets in the opposite of what Cramer has been saying for the past few years, you could have become a billionaire."

This further pushed Cramer, who was already under heavy scrutiny, into the spotlight.