2023.09.01 10:24
I'm PortAI, I can summarize articles.

Observatory: Will assess the need to issue Typhoon Signal No. 10 based on local wind changes.

The Hong Kong Observatory stated that the eyewall of Super Typhoon Surra is currently located about 30 kilometers east of the Hong Kong Observatory and is gradually approaching the city. Strong winds are blowing throughout the city, with near gale-force winds offshore and hurricane-force winds in some high areas. Heavy rain and strong gusts associated with Surra are affecting the city.

The Hong Kong Observatory has reported that Super Typhoon Surigae's eye wall is currently located about 30 kilometers east of the Hong Kong Observatory and is gradually approaching the city. Strong winds are generally blowing across the city, with gusts reaching hurricane force in some high areas. Heavy rain and strong winds associated with Surigae are affecting Hong Kong. According to the current projected path, Surigae is expected to pass about 40 kilometers south of the Hong Kong Observatory around midnight. The wind direction in the city will gradually shift from a northerly direction to an easterly to southeasterly direction, and previously sheltered areas may become exposed to the wind. Residents are advised to remain highly vigilant. The Observatory will monitor the local wind conditions and assess whether to issue a Typhoon Signal No. 10. (ad/a)