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Adhesion Contract

An adhesion contract is an agreement that usually has non-negotiable terms and conditions. Generally, it's prepared by a party to a potential transaction that has the product or service sought by another party, the consumer. The former has the stronger bargaining position. The latter must accept the adhesion contract to obtain the product or service.Adhesion contracts are also known as standard, standardized, or boilerplate contracts.

Definition: An adhesion contract is an agreement typically characterized by non-negotiable terms and conditions. It is usually prepared by one party, which possesses the product or service needed by the other party, typically the consumer. The former has a stronger bargaining position, and the latter must accept the adhesion contract to obtain the product or service. Adhesion contracts are also known as standard contracts, uniform contracts, or boilerplate contracts.

Origin: The concept of adhesion contracts originated in the early 20th century. With the development of mass production and the service industry, companies began using standardized contract terms to improve efficiency and reduce transaction costs. This form of contract is particularly common in industries such as insurance, banking, and leasing.

Categories and Characteristics: Adhesion contracts can be divided into the following categories:

  • Consumer Contracts: Such as mobile service contracts and credit card agreements, where consumers have little to no bargaining power.
  • Commercial Contracts: Such as supply chain contracts, where large companies have a stronger bargaining position over smaller suppliers.
Characteristics include:
  • Standardized terms, facilitating large-scale use.
  • Lack of bargaining power for consumers or weaker parties.
  • May contain unfair terms, requiring legal protection.

Specific Cases:

  • Mobile Service Contracts: When signing a mobile service contract, consumers typically can only accept or reject the standard contract provided by the carrier, with no ability to modify the terms.
  • Car Rental Contracts: The contracts provided by car rental companies are usually standardized, and renters must accept the terms to rent a car.

Common Questions:

  • Q: Are adhesion contracts legal?
    A: Adhesion contracts themselves are legal, but any unfair terms within them may be deemed invalid by law.
  • Q: How can one protect themselves from unfair terms in adhesion contracts?
    A: Carefully read the contract terms, understand your rights, and seek legal advice if necessary.

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