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Earnings Report

An interim report refers to an announcement or report issued by a listed company in a timely manner after the end of the reporting period to disclose the current performance. This report usually includes the company's current financial data, revenue, net profit and other indicators, as well as some important business data and business development situation.

Performance Brief


A performance brief is a report or announcement issued by a listed company shortly after the end of a reporting period, detailing the company's performance during that period. This report typically includes financial data such as revenue and net profit, as well as important business data and development updates.


The concept of performance briefs originated with the development of the securities market, particularly as information disclosure requirements became more stringent. As investors demanded greater transparency and timeliness, performance briefs became a key component of periodic disclosures by listed companies.

Categories and Characteristics

Performance briefs are mainly divided into quarterly briefs, semi-annual briefs, and annual briefs. Quarterly briefs are released after each quarter, semi-annual briefs after the first half of the year, and annual briefs after the end of the year. Their characteristics include:

  • Timeliness: Performance briefs are typically released shortly after the end of the reporting period, ensuring that investors receive the latest performance information promptly.
  • Simplicity: Compared to detailed financial reports, performance briefs are more concise, focusing on key financial indicators and business data.
  • Transparency: By issuing performance briefs, listed companies can enhance the transparency of their information disclosure, boosting investor confidence.

Specific Cases

Case 1: A tech company released its performance brief for the first quarter of 2024, showing a revenue of 1 billion yuan, a 15% year-on-year increase, and a net profit of 200 million yuan, a 20% year-on-year increase. The report also mentioned significant progress in new product development.

Case 2: A manufacturing company released its annual performance brief for 2023, showing a total revenue of 5 billion yuan, a 5% year-on-year decrease, and a net profit of 500 million yuan, a 10% year-on-year decrease. The report analyzed the reasons for the decline, including weak market demand and rising raw material costs.

Common Questions

Question 1: What is the difference between a performance brief and a financial report?
Answer: Performance briefs are typically more concise, focusing on key financial indicators and business data, while financial reports are more detailed, including comprehensive financial data and analysis.

Question 2: Do performance briefs have legal validity?
Answer: As part of information disclosure, performance briefs have a certain degree of legal validity, and listed companies must ensure the truthfulness and accuracy of their content.

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