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Final Case Information

Final case information refers to a legal case in which all appeals and litigation procedures have concluded, and no further appeals or other litigation procedures can be conducted. After the determination of final case information, the court's judgment or ruling has legal effect, and the parties cannot file new appeals or litigation requests regarding the case.

Final Case Information


Final case information refers to a legal case that, after all appeal procedures and litigation processes have concluded, can no longer be appealed or subjected to other litigation procedures. Once the final case information is determined, the court's judgment or ruling has legal effect, and the parties involved cannot file new appeals or litigation requests regarding the case.


The concept of final case information originates from the need for the ultimate resolution of cases within the legal system. As legal systems evolved, countries gradually established multi-level appeal mechanisms to ensure judicial fairness. However, to prevent endless litigation and appeals, the concept of final cases was introduced to ensure that cases could be conclusively resolved after certain procedures.

Categories and Characteristics

Final case information mainly falls into two categories: civil cases and criminal cases. In civil cases, final case information typically involves property disputes, contract disputes, etc.; in criminal cases, it involves the final determination of criminal responsibility. Its characteristics include:

  • Legal Effect: Once final case information is determined, the court's judgment or ruling has legal effect and cannot be overturned.
  • Procedure Termination: All appeal and litigation procedures have concluded, and the case no longer accepts new litigation requests.
  • Judicial Fairness: Through multi-level appeal mechanisms, the fairness and legality of the case are ensured.

Specific Cases

Case 1: In a contract dispute between Zhang and Li, after the first trial, second trial, and retrial procedures, the court finally ruled that Li should compensate Zhang for the losses. Once the final case information is determined, Li cannot file new appeals or other litigation requests regarding the judgment.

Case 2: Wang was prosecuted for theft. After the first trial and second trial procedures, the court finally ruled Wang guilty and sentenced him. Once the final case information is determined, Wang cannot file new appeals or other litigation requests regarding the judgment.

Common Questions

Question 1: Can a judgment be overturned through other means after final case information is determined?
Answer: Generally, once final case information is determined, the judgment has legal effect and cannot be overturned. However, in certain special circumstances, such as the discovery of new evidence or significant procedural errors, the case may be handled through retrial procedures.

Question 2: What is the difference between final case information and ordinary case information?
Answer: Ordinary case information refers to the various stages of a case during litigation procedures, while final case information refers to the final status of a case after all litigation procedures have concluded.

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