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Law Of Large Numbers

The Law of Large Numbers is a fundamental theorem in probability theory that describes the result of performing the same experiment a large number of times. According to this law, the average of the results obtained from a large number of trials will be close to the expected value, and will tend to become closer as more trials are performed. There are two main versions of the Law of Large Numbers: the Weak Law of Large Numbers and the Strong Law of Large Numbers. The Weak Law states that the sample average converges in probability towards the expected value as the number of trials increases. The Strong Law states that the sample average almost surely converges to the expected value as the number of trials goes to infinity.

Definition: The Law of Large Numbers is a fundamental theorem in probability theory that describes how the sample mean approximates the expected value of the population as the number of trials increases. Specifically, as the number of trials approaches infinity, the sample mean converges to the population's expected value with probability 1. There are two main versions of the Law of Large Numbers: the Weak Law of Large Numbers and the Strong Law of Large Numbers. The Weak Law states that the sample mean converges in probability to the expected value, while the Strong Law states that the sample mean almost surely converges to the expected value.

Origin: The concept of the Law of Large Numbers dates back to the 17th century, introduced by Jacob Bernoulli. He systematically described this theorem in his work Ars Conjectandi. Later, 19th-century mathematicians Chebyshev and Markov further developed the theory, providing more rigorous mathematical proofs.

Categories and Characteristics: The Law of Large Numbers is mainly divided into two categories: the Weak Law of Large Numbers and the Strong Law of Large Numbers.

  • Weak Law of Large Numbers: It states that as the number of trials approaches infinity, the sample mean converges in probability to the population's expected value. In other words, for any small positive number ε, the probability that the absolute difference between the sample mean and the expected value is greater than ε approaches zero.
  • Strong Law of Large Numbers: It further states that as the number of trials approaches infinity, the sample mean almost surely (with probability 1) converges to the population's expected value. This means that the absolute difference between the sample mean and the expected value almost surely approaches zero.


  • Coin Toss Experiment: Suppose we conduct a large number of coin tosses, with each toss resulting in either heads or tails. According to the Law of Large Numbers, as the number of tosses approaches infinity, the frequency of heads will approach 0.5, meaning the probability of heads and tails is equal.
  • Stock Market Returns: In financial markets, investors can use the Law of Large Numbers to predict long-term stock market returns. Although stock prices may fluctuate significantly in the short term, over the long term, the average return on stocks will approach their historical average.

Common Questions:

  • Does the Law of Large Numbers apply to small samples? The Law of Large Numbers primarily applies to large samples. For small samples, the sample mean may have significant deviations.
  • Can the Law of Large Numbers predict individual trial outcomes? The Law of Large Numbers cannot predict the outcome of individual trials; it only applies to the average results of a large number of repeated trials.

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