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Percentage Change

Percentage change is a simple calculation that's used for many purposes in finance and business, such as to assess the relative performance of a stock or other investment over a certain time period.

The formula is: (New Value - Initial Value) / Initial Value × 100%.

Definition: Percentage change is a simple calculation method widely used in finance and business to evaluate the relative performance of stocks or other investments over a specific period. The formula is: (New Value - Initial Value) / Initial Value × 100%.

Origin: The concept of percentage change can be traced back to early commercial and financial activities when merchants and investors needed a simple way to measure changes in prices or values. As financial markets developed, this concept became standardized and widely adopted.

Categories and Characteristics: Percentage change mainly includes positive percentage change and negative percentage change. A positive percentage change indicates that the new value is higher than the initial value, usually seen as a sign of growth or profit; a negative percentage change indicates that the new value is lower than the initial value, usually seen as a sign of decline or loss. Its characteristics include simple calculation, intuitive understanding, and applicability to various financial and business analyses.

Specific Cases: Case 1: Suppose a stock's initial price is 100 yuan, and after one month, the price rises to 120 yuan. The percentage change is (120 - 100) / 100 × 100% = 20%. This indicates that the stock has increased by 20% in one month. Case 2: A company's revenue last year was 5 million yuan, and this year it is 4.5 million yuan. The percentage change is (4.5 million - 5 million) / 5 million × 100% = -10%. This indicates that the company's revenue has decreased by 10% year-on-year.

Common Questions: 1. How to handle the situation when the initial value is zero? In this case, the percentage change cannot be calculated because the denominator is zero. 2. Is percentage change applicable to all types of data? Percentage change is applicable to most numerical data, but for some special cases, such as extremely volatile data, it may need to be combined with other analysis methods.

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