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Repurchase agreement

Repurchase agreement (repo) is a transaction in which an enterprise purchases financial assets and agrees to resell them to the original holder at a predetermined price within a certain period of time. Repurchase agreements are usually short-term financing instruments conducted by financial institutions such as banks.

Definition: Buy-sellback financial assets refer to transactions where a company purchases financial assets with an agreement to sell them back to the original holder at a predetermined price after a certain period. This type of transaction is typically conducted by banks and other financial institutions through repurchase agreements as a short-term financing tool.

Origin: The concept of buy-sellback financial assets originated in the early 20th century financial markets, initially used by banks and other financial institutions for short-term financing. As financial markets evolved, this form of transaction became widely used, especially in liquidity management and short-term funding needs.

Categories and Characteristics: Buy-sellback financial assets are mainly divided into two categories: 1. Government Bond Repos: Using government-issued bonds as the underlying asset, usually with lower risk and lower interest rates. 2. Corporate Bond Repos: Using corporate-issued bonds as the underlying asset, with relatively higher risk and higher interest rates. Their characteristics include:

  • Short-term nature: Typically short-term, ranging from a few days to a few months.
  • Safety: Relatively low risk due to the collateral of financial assets.
  • Flexibility: Terms and amounts can be adjusted flexibly according to funding needs.

Specific Cases:

  1. A bank needs short-term funds and signs a government bond repo agreement with another financial institution. The bank purchases government bonds worth 10 million yuan at market price and agrees to sell them back to the original holder for 10.1 million yuan after one month. Through this transaction, the bank obtains short-term funds, while the other party earns interest income.
  2. A company needs short-term financing and signs a corporate bond repo agreement with an investment company. The company sells corporate bonds worth 5 million yuan at market price and agrees to buy them back for 5.15 million yuan after three months. Through this transaction, the company obtains short-term funds, and the investment company earns higher interest returns.

Common Questions:

  • Q: What are the main risks of buy-sellback financial assets?
    A: The main risks include market risk and credit risk. If the market price of the financial assets fluctuates significantly, it may affect the returns of both parties. Additionally, if the counterparty defaults, it will also bring credit risk.
  • Q: Who are the suitable investors for this type of transaction?
    A: Buy-sellback financial assets are typically suitable for financial institutions and companies needing short-term funds, as well as investors seeking low-risk, stable returns.

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