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Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect

Through Hong Kong Stock Connect, holders in Hong Kong can buy and sell stocks on the Shanghai Stock Exchange in Hong Kong dollars. This policy is implemented to facilitate stock market communication and investment convenience between Hong Kong and Shanghai.

Definition: Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect (Northbound) allows investors in Hong Kong to buy and sell stocks listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange using Hong Kong dollars. This policy aims to facilitate stock market exchange and investment between Hong Kong and Shanghai.

Origin: Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect (Northbound) was officially launched on November 17, 2014, as part of the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect program. This program is a stock market connectivity mechanism between mainland China and Hong Kong, designed to enhance cooperation and development between the two capital markets.

Categories and Characteristics: Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect (Northbound) mainly includes two categories: 1. Trading Shanghai Stock Exchange stocks through the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, and 2. Trading Hong Kong Stock Exchange stocks through the Shanghai Stock Exchange. Its characteristics include: 1. Investors can trade using Hong Kong dollars, avoiding exchange rate risks; 2. It provides more investment options, increasing market liquidity; 3. It promotes connectivity between the two capital markets.

Specific Cases: 1. A Hong Kong investor purchased Ping An Insurance stocks through Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect (Northbound), using Hong Kong dollars and benefiting from the growth dividends of Shanghai-listed stocks. 2. A Hong Kong fund company invested in several blue-chip stocks on the Shanghai Stock Exchange through Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect (Northbound), diversifying investment risks and achieving good returns.

Common Questions: 1. Do investors need to open a new account? Answer: No, investors can trade through their existing Hong Kong securities accounts. 2. What are the trading hours for Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect (Northbound)? Answer: The trading hours for Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect (Northbound) are the same as those of the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

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