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Sterling Overnight Interbank Average Rate

The Sterling Overnight Index Average (SONIA) rate is an interest rate benchmark used in the United Kingdom. It is the effective overnight interest rate paid by banks for unsecured transactions in the British sterling market. Administered by the Bank of England (BoE), SONIA is used to fund trades that occur overnight during off-hours. As such, it represents the depth of overnight business in the marketplace.

Sterling Overnight Index Average (SONIA)


The Sterling Overnight Index Average (SONIA) is a benchmark interest rate used in the United Kingdom. It reflects the effective overnight interest rate paid by banks for unsecured transactions in the sterling market. Managed by the Bank of England (BoE), SONIA is used to fund transactions occurring during the overnight non-trading period, representing the depth of overnight market transactions.


SONIA was first introduced by the Bank of England in 1997 as an alternative to traditional interbank lending rates such as LIBOR. In 2018, SONIA underwent reforms to enhance its transparency and reliability, making it a more widely used benchmark interest rate.

Categories and Characteristics

SONIA has the following key characteristics:

  • Unsecured Transactions: SONIA is based on unsecured overnight transactions between banks, meaning it does not involve any collateral.
  • Daily Updates: SONIA rates are updated daily, reflecting the previous day's transaction data.
  • Market Depth: Since SONIA is based on actual transaction data, it accurately reflects the real conditions and depth of the market.

Specific Cases

Case 1: A bank engages in an unsecured overnight borrowing in the sterling market, borrowing £10 million at an interest rate of 0.5%. This transaction will be included in the calculation of SONIA, reflected in the SONIA rate for that day.

Case 2: A financial institution uses SONIA as the benchmark for its floating-rate loans. If the SONIA rate is 0.5% and the institution's loan rate is SONIA+1%, the actual loan rate would be 1.5%.

Common Questions

Question: How does SONIA differ from LIBOR?
Answer: SONIA is based on actual transaction data, whereas LIBOR is based on bank quotes. SONIA is more transparent and reliable.

Question: How can I access SONIA rates?
Answer: SONIA rates are published daily by the Bank of England and can be accessed through its official website or financial data providers.

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