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Trimmed Mean

A trimmed mean (similar to an adjusted mean) is a method of averaging that removes a small designated percentage of the largest and smallest values before calculating the mean. After removing the specified outlier observations, the trimmed mean is found using a standard arithmetic averaging formula. The use of a trimmed mean helps eliminate the influence of outliers or data points on the tails that may unfairly affect the traditional or arithmetic mean.Trimmed means are used in reporting economic data in order to smooth the results and paint a more realistic picture.

Trimmed Mean


The trimmed mean (similar to the adjusted mean) is a method of calculating the mean by removing a small portion of the largest and smallest values before computing the average. After excluding the specified outliers, the standard arithmetic mean formula is used to obtain the trimmed mean. Using the trimmed mean helps eliminate the potential unfair influence of outliers or extreme data points on the traditional or arithmetic mean.


The concept of the trimmed mean originated in statistics, initially used to address the impact of outliers on results. As data analysis techniques evolved, the trimmed mean began to be applied in fields such as economics and finance to improve the accuracy and reliability of data analysis.

Categories and Characteristics

Trimmed means can be categorized into two types: symmetric trimming and asymmetric trimming. Symmetric trimming involves removing the same proportion of the largest and smallest data points from the dataset, while asymmetric trimming involves removing outliers from one end of the dataset. The advantage of symmetric trimming is that it balances both ends of the data, whereas asymmetric trimming is more suitable for datasets with asymmetric distributions.

Specific Cases

Case 1: Suppose a company has quarterly sales data of [10, 12, 15, 18, 20, 100], where 100 is an outlier. Using the trimmed mean, we can remove the maximum value 100 and the minimum value 10, then calculate the mean of the remaining data [12, 15, 18, 20], resulting in a trimmed mean of 16.25.

Case 2: In an economic data report, a country's GDP growth rates are [2.5%, 2.7%, 2.8%, 3.0%, 3.2%, 10.0%], where 10.0% is an outlier. By using the trimmed mean method to remove the maximum value 10.0% and the minimum value 2.5%, then calculating the mean of the remaining data [2.7%, 2.8%, 3.0%, 3.2%], the trimmed mean is 2.925%.

Common Questions

Question 1: Is the trimmed mean always more accurate than the arithmetic mean?
Answer: The trimmed mean is usually more accurate when dealing with data containing outliers, but when the data distribution is relatively uniform, the difference between the arithmetic mean and the trimmed mean may be minimal.

Question 2: How should the trimming proportion be chosen?
Answer: The choice of trimming proportion depends on the specific data and analysis objectives. Common trimming proportions are 5% or 10%, but the exact proportion should be determined based on the data distribution and the impact of outliers.

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