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Unfunded Pension Plan

An unfunded pension plan is an employer-managed retirement plan that uses the employer's current income to fund pension payments as they become necessary. This is in contrast to an advance funded pension plan where an employer sets aside funds systematically and in advance to cover any pension plan expenses such as payments to retirees and their beneficiaries.

Definition: An unfunded pension plan is a retirement plan managed by an employer that uses the employer's current income to fund pension payments. This is in contrast to a pre-funded pension plan, where the employer regularly sets aside funds in advance to cover pension expenses for retirees and their beneficiaries.

Origin: The concept of unfunded pension plans originated in the early 20th century when many companies began offering retirement benefits to employees without establishing dedicated funding pools. Over time, this model became widely used in certain countries and industries, particularly in the public sector.

Categories and Characteristics: Unfunded pension plans can be broadly categorized into public sector unfunded plans and private sector unfunded plans. Public sector unfunded plans are typically managed by the government, with funding sourced from tax revenues. Private sector unfunded plans are managed by companies, with funding sourced from operational income. Key characteristics of unfunded pension plans include: 1. Uncertain funding sources, dependent on the employer's financial status; 2. Potential payment risks, especially during economic downturns; 3. Typically, no dedicated funding pool is established.

Case Studies: 1. A city government's unfunded pension plan: The city government provides an unfunded pension plan for its civil servants, with pension payments directly sourced from the annual fiscal budget. When the economy is strong, the government can make timely pension payments; however, during economic recessions, payment difficulties may arise. 2. A large corporation's unfunded pension plan: The corporation offers an unfunded pension plan for its executives, with pension payments coming from the company's annual profits. While this plan can provide generous retirement benefits during profitable years, pension payments may be affected during periods of poor business performance.

Common Questions: 1. What are the main risks of unfunded pension plans? Answer: The main risks include uncertain funding sources and payment risks, particularly during economic downturns. 2. How can the sustainability of unfunded pension plans be ensured? Answer: Ensuring the employer's financial health, establishing emergency reserve funds, and adjusting pension payment standards when necessary.

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