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Value Added Monthly Index

Value Added Monthly Index (VAMI) is a metric used to measure the performance of an investment portfolio or fund. It tracks the value changes of an initial investment on a monthly basis to show the cumulative returns. VAMI typically starts with a fixed initial amount (e.g., $1000) and adjusts this amount according to the monthly return rates. 

Value Added Monthly Index (VAMI)


The Value Added Monthly Index (VAMI) is a metric used to measure the performance of an investment portfolio or fund. It tracks the value changes of an initial investment on a monthly basis to show the cumulative return. VAMI typically starts with a fixed initial amount (e.g., $1,000) and adjusts this amount based on the monthly return rate.


The concept of VAMI originated in the late 20th century as the investment management industry evolved. Investors and fund managers needed a simple and intuitive way to measure and display the performance of investment portfolios. The introduction of VAMI made it easier for investors to understand and compare the cumulative returns of different portfolios.

Categories and Characteristics

VAMI can be classified into the following categories:

  • Single Asset VAMI: Tracks the cumulative return of a single asset or fund, suitable for evaluating the performance of a specific investment.
  • Composite VAMI: Tracks the cumulative return of multiple assets or funds, suitable for evaluating the overall performance of a diversified investment portfolio.

The main characteristics of VAMI include:

  • Intuitiveness: With a simple initial amount and monthly return rate, investors can easily understand and calculate cumulative returns.
  • Comparability: VAMI of different portfolios can be directly compared, helping investors make more informed investment decisions.

Specific Cases

Case 1: Suppose an investor invests $1,000 in a fund on January 1, 2023. The fund's return rate is 2% in January and 3% in February. The VAMI calculation is as follows:

  • January 2023: $1,000 * (1 + 2%) = $1,020
  • February 2023: $1,020 * (1 + 3%) = $1,050.6

Through VAMI, the investor can see that their cumulative return over two months is $1,050.6.

Case 2: A fund manager manages a diversified investment portfolio with an initial amount of $1,000 at the beginning of 2023. The return rate is 1.5% in January and 2.5% in February. The VAMI calculation is as follows:

  • January 2023: $1,000 * (1 + 1.5%) = $1,015
  • February 2023: $1,015 * (1 + 2.5%) = $1,040.38

Through VAMI, the fund manager can show that the cumulative return of the diversified investment portfolio over two months is $1,040.38.

Common Questions

Q: Does VAMI take into account fees and taxes?
A: VAMI typically does not consider fees and taxes, so investors should be aware of these factors' impact on actual returns when using VAMI.

Q: Can VAMI be used to predict future returns?
A: VAMI is primarily used to display historical returns and cannot be directly used to predict future returns. Investors should use other analytical tools and methods for a comprehensive evaluation.

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