苹果首家 Apple Store 将于 5 月 19 日重新开业美国债务上限危机愈演愈烈,投资者如何避险?美银看多英伟达:“AI 淘金时代的卖铲王”Hong Kong tech stocks surge: JD.com leads with a 7% increase, MEITUAN-W rises over 3%, Alibaba rises over 2%.* 花旗上调京东收入及盈利预测 评级「买入」阿里巴巴-SW 高开逾 3% ,传阿里云创始人王坚近日正式回归新加坡股市 11 日报:Thai Bev 成交量狂飙摩根大通 CEO 戴蒙:应该禁止卖空银行股!徐雷退休,京东变革居民 “降杠杆” 再现,意味着什么?Breakfast | Chinese Internet companies rebound strongly, JD.com and PDD rise more than 7%, Microsoft hopes to bid for the contract to develop Firefox browser.李嘉诚突然出手减持最牛板块!邮储银行套现超 1 亿港元马斯克称为推特物色到新 CEO,特斯拉尾盘拉涨谷歌大会全面在 AI 出击,华尔街信心高涨,股价再大涨创去年 8 月来新高挤兑远未结束?存款外逃加速,西太平洋合众银行盘初大跌 34% 并熔断科技股萎靡拖累 软银愿景基金 22 财年巨亏 320 亿美元!| 财报见闻The Fed cuts interest rates in July? US PPI in April lower than expected, and the job market cools down!Financial Report is Out | SMIC's Q1 Net Profit Drops by 44%, Expected to Rebound in Q2The AI battle has just begun, will Alphabet-C lead or catch up?Pre-market US stocks | JD.com and Alibaba rise more than 2%, LI AUTO-W continues to rise 4%, Disney falls 6%! JD.com CFO Xu Ran promoted to CEO港股通腾讯净流入 5 亿港元Financial report is out | JD.com's net profit in Q1 is 6.3 billion, turning losses into gains compared to the same period last year, Xu Lei steps down as CEO.京东:徐雷将继续参与京东集团战略、组织、业务方面重要管理和项目工作软银宣布将打造日版 ChatGPTBig moves in the stock market | Why did Meituan-W and Bilibili's target prices get significantly downgraded? Wall Street has confidence in iQIYI!LI AUTO-W, not becoming brothers with NIO and XPENG.Alphabet-C Strikes Back at Microsoft: PaLM 2, Stronger Than GPT-4?港股午后 V 字反弹,恒生科技指数收涨 1.34%,理想汽车大涨 17%美股五张图 | 科技股!科技股!还是科技股!下一站药王,藏不住了Universal and Ford Motor's Dilemma: When Will Electric Vehicle Business Make Money?港交所:将于 5 月 27 日及 6 月 3 日安排港币 - 人民币双柜台模式模拟演习追赶台积电不停歇!三星据报道加快建设 4nm 产线,最快本月试运行软银因阿里巴巴股份出售而录得较小亏损618 大促正式打响,有电商巨头称将 “历史级投入”Disney+ subscribers unexpectedly dropped by 2%, but streaming business losses decreased.苹果供应商富士康第一季度利润同比下降 56%,低于预期。US Stock Options | Google Options Trading Triples, Airbnb Options Trading Surges Sixfold下周,OpenAI CEO 将到美国国会听证谷歌开放 MusicLM 模型:可根据文本生成 5 分钟歌曲