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Basic Loss Per Share

Basic earnings per share refers to the net loss per share of common stock generated by a company during a certain period, and it is one of the important indicators for measuring the company's operating performance. The smaller the basic earnings per share, the stronger the company's profitability.

Definition: Basic Loss Per Share (LPS) refers to the net loss amount per common share of a company over a specific period. It is an important indicator for measuring a company's operating performance. The smaller the basic loss per share, the stronger the company's profitability.

Origin: The concept of basic loss per share originated from accounting and financial statement analysis and was widely used in corporate financial reporting in the mid-20th century. With the development of capital markets, investors and analysts have increasingly valued this indicator to assess a company's profitability and financial health.

Categories and Characteristics: Basic loss per share has the following characteristics:

  • Simple Calculation: The formula for calculating basic loss per share is:
    Basic Loss Per Share = Net Loss / Weighted Average Number of Common Shares
  • Reflects Company Profitability: The smaller the basic loss per share, the stronger the company's profitability, and vice versa, indicating potential financial distress.
  • Time-Sensitive: This indicator is usually calculated quarterly or annually, providing timely reflection of the company's operating conditions during specific periods.

Specific Cases:

  1. Case 1: A company had a net loss of 10 million yuan in the first quarter of 2023, with a weighted average number of common shares of 5 million shares. The basic loss per share for that quarter would be:
    Basic Loss Per Share = 10 million yuan / 5 million shares = 2 yuan/share
  2. Case 2: Another company had a net loss of 20 million yuan for the entire year of 2023, with a weighted average number of common shares of 10 million shares. The basic loss per share for that year would be:
    Basic Loss Per Share = 20 million yuan / 10 million shares = 2 yuan/share

Common Questions:

  • Why is the basic loss per share a negative number?
    Because it reflects the net loss, which is a negative amount, thus the basic loss per share is also negative.
  • What is the difference between basic loss per share and diluted loss per share?
    Basic loss per share only considers common shares, while diluted loss per share also takes into account potential dilutive securities (such as convertible bonds, options, etc.).

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