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Discouraged Worker

A discouraged worker is a person who is eligible for employment and can work, but who is currently unemployed and has not attempted to find employment in the last four weeks. Discouraged workers usually have given up on searching for a job because they found no suitable employment options or failed to secure a job when they applied.

Discouraged Workers

Definition: Discouraged workers are individuals who are eligible and able to work but are currently unemployed and have not attempted to find employment in the past four weeks. They typically give up looking for work because they find no suitable job opportunities or have been unsuccessful in their job applications.


The concept of discouraged workers originated in mid-20th century labor market research. As economic fluctuations and job market changes occurred, researchers identified a segment of the unemployed who were not lacking in ability or willingness to work but had lost confidence in their job prospects and stopped seeking employment.

Categories and Characteristics

Discouraged workers can be categorized as follows:

  • Long-term Discouraged Workers: These individuals have been unemployed for a long time and have not attempted to find work for an extended period.
  • Short-term Discouraged Workers: These individuals have recently become unemployed but quickly gave up job searching due to pessimistic expectations about the job market.

Characteristics of discouraged workers include:

  • Lack of confidence in the job market.
  • Possessing certain skills and experience but losing confidence after multiple job search failures.
  • Typically increasing in number during economic recessions or specific industry downturns.

Case Studies

Case 1: Li, a software engineer, lost his job due to company layoffs. Despite his extensive work experience, after several unsuccessful job applications, he lost confidence in finding a new job and eventually gave up job searching.

Case 2: Wang, a manufacturing worker, became unemployed after his factory closed. Due to the overall decline in local manufacturing, after multiple unsuccessful job searches, he believed there was no hope in finding a job and became a discouraged worker.

Common Questions

Q: How are discouraged workers different from general unemployed individuals?
A: General unemployed individuals are still actively seeking work, whereas discouraged workers have stopped job searching due to a loss of confidence in their job prospects.

Q: What impact do discouraged workers have on the economy?
A: The presence of discouraged workers can lead to a reduction in the potential labor force in the job market, affecting overall productivity and economic growth.

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