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Existing Home Sales

Existing home sales refer to the sales of completed and inhabited homes. Existing home sales are an important indicator of the real estate market, which can reflect the supply and demand relationship and price trend of the real estate market. By analyzing the data of existing home sales, we can understand the overall situation and trend of the real estate market.

Existing Home Sales


Existing home sales refer to the sales of homes that have already been built and are currently occupied. This is a crucial indicator in the real estate market, reflecting the supply and demand dynamics and price trends. By analyzing existing home sales data, one can understand the overall condition and trends of the real estate market.


The concept of existing home sales originated from the need for statistical analysis in the real estate market. With the acceleration of urbanization and the increase in housing demand, both government and market participants needed an indicator to measure the market's health and development trends. In the mid-20th century, the National Association of Realtors (NAR) in the United States began regularly publishing existing home sales data, a practice that has since been adopted by other countries and regions.

Categories and Characteristics

Existing home sales can be categorized into the following types:

  • Single-family homes: Standalone houses, usually with their own yard and garage.
  • Apartments: Individual units within multi-family buildings, typically sharing common facilities.
  • Townhouses: Homes that share one or more walls with adjacent properties.

Each category has its own characteristics. For example, single-family homes are usually more expensive but offer more privacy and space; apartments are relatively cheaper but come with shared facilities and management fees; townhouses fall somewhere in between.

Specific Cases

Case 1: In 2023, existing home sales data in the United States indicated a decline in sales volume due to rising interest rates, but prices remained stable. This reflected the market's demand resilience and relative supply shortage.

Case 2: In major Chinese cities like Beijing and Shanghai, existing home sales data showed that despite an increase in new home supply, existing home sales remained active, primarily due to sustained high housing demand in these cities.

Common Questions

Question 1: How does existing home sales data impact the real estate market?
Answer: Existing home sales data reflect the supply and demand dynamics and price trends, helping investors and policymakers make more informed decisions.

Question 2: What is the difference between existing home sales and new home sales?
Answer: Existing home sales refer to the sales of homes that have already been built and are currently occupied, while new home sales refer to the sales of newly constructed homes that have not yet been occupied.

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