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Fixed Income

Fixed income refers to investment products or strategies with fixed income as the main characteristic. Fixed income products typically include bonds, fixed deposits, wealth management products, etc., whose return rate is fixed or can be determined in advance. Compared to other investment products, fixed income investments have lower risk and stronger stability, making them suitable for investors with lower risk preference.

Definition: Fixed income (FI) refers to investment products or strategies characterized by fixed returns. FI products typically include bonds, fixed deposits, and financial products, with returns that are fixed or predetermined. Compared to other investment types, FI investments have lower risk and higher stability, making them suitable for risk-averse investors.

Origin: The concept of fixed income investment dates back to ancient times when lending activities already had fixed income characteristics. The modern concept of fixed income investment originated in 17th-century Europe when governments began issuing bonds to raise funds. With the development of financial markets, the types and forms of FI products have gradually diversified.

Categories and Characteristics: FI products are mainly divided into the following categories:

  • Government Bonds: Issued by governments, low credit risk, relatively low returns.
  • Corporate Bonds: Issued by companies, higher credit risk, but also higher returns.
  • Fixed Deposits: Bank deposit products, high security, fixed returns.
  • Financial Products: Investment products issued by banks or financial institutions, returns are usually fixed or predictable.
The common characteristics of these products are fixed or predictable returns, low risk, and suitability for conservative investors.

Specific Cases:

  • Case 1: Mr. Wang buys a government bond with a face value of 1,000 yuan, an annual interest rate of 3%, and a term of 5 years. He receives 30 yuan in interest each year and gets back the principal of 1,000 yuan after 5 years.
  • Case 2: Mr. Li deposits 100,000 yuan in a three-year fixed deposit with an annual interest rate of 2.5%. He receives 2,500 yuan in interest each year and gets back the principal of 100,000 yuan after three years.
These cases demonstrate the stability and low-risk characteristics of FI products.

Common Questions:

  • Question 1: Are FI products completely risk-free?
    Answer: Although FI products have lower risk, they are not completely risk-free. For example, corporate bonds may face the risk of company bankruptcy, and fixed deposits may be affected by inflation.
  • Question 2: Are the returns of FI products always fixed?
    Answer: Most FI products have fixed returns, but some products' returns may be affected by changes in market interest rates.

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