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Free Cash Flow to Debt

Free Cash Flow to Debt, also known as Levered Free Cash Flow, is the cash flow remaining after a company has paid for its operating expenses, capital expenditures, and all debt payments (including interest and principal repayments). It measures the company's ability to generate free cash flow after meeting all financial obligations, reflecting the financial health and debt-servicing capability of the enterprise. This metric is used to assess a company's debt burden, investment capacity, and financial flexibility. The calculation formula is:

Free Cash Flow to Debt=Operating Cash Flow−Capital Expenditures−Debt Payments (Interest + Principal)

This indicator is crucial for investors and creditors as it shows the actual cash flow situation of a company after fulfilling its debt obligations.


Free Cash Flow to Debt (FCFD) refers to the remaining cash flow of a company after deducting operating costs, capital expenditures, and all debt payments (including interest and principal repayments). It measures the free cash flow a company can generate after meeting all its financial obligations, reflecting the company's financial health and debt repayment ability. FCFD is often used to assess a company's debt pressure, investment capacity, and financial flexibility. The calculation formula is:

FCFD = Operating Cash Flow - Capital Expenditures - Debt Payments (Interest + Principal)

This metric is crucial for investors and creditors as it shows the actual cash flow situation of a company after fulfilling its debt obligations.


The concept of Free Cash Flow to Debt originated in the late 20th century. As corporate financial management and investment analysis evolved, investors and creditors began to focus on the actual cash flow situation of companies after fulfilling their debt obligations. This metric helps them better assess a company's financial health and long-term debt repayment ability.

Categories and Characteristics:

FCFD can be categorized based on different financial reporting periods, such as quarterly, semi-annual, or annual. Its main characteristics include:

  • Reflects Debt Repayment Ability: By deducting all debt payments from cash flow, investors can understand whether a company has enough funds to meet its financial obligations.
  • Evaluates Financial Flexibility: Companies with high FCFD usually have higher financial flexibility, better able to cope with market changes and economic fluctuations.
  • Investment Capacity: This metric also helps assess a company's investment capacity after meeting debt obligations, whether it has enough funds for reinvestment or business expansion.

Specific Cases:

Case 1: Suppose a company has an operating cash flow of 50 million yuan, capital expenditures of 20 million yuan, and debt payments (including interest and principal) of 15 million yuan in a given year. The company's FCFD would be:

50 million yuan - 20 million yuan - 15 million yuan = 15 million yuan

This means the company has 15 million yuan of free cash flow after fulfilling all its financial obligations, which can be used for other purposes.

Case 2: Another company has an operating cash flow of 30 million yuan, capital expenditures of 25 million yuan, and debt payments of 10 million yuan in the same year. The company's FCFD would be:

30 million yuan - 25 million yuan - 10 million yuan = -5 million yuan

This indicates that the company has negative cash flow after fulfilling all its financial obligations and may need to borrow or seek other financing methods to maintain operations.

Common Questions:

  • What does it mean if FCFD is negative? A negative FCFD indicates that the company's remaining cash flow after deducting all debt payments is insufficient to cover its operating and capital expenditures, which may mean the company needs additional financing to maintain operations.
  • How to improve FCFD? A company can improve FCFD by increasing operating cash flow, reducing capital expenditures, or optimizing its debt structure.
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