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Marketable Securities

Tradable securities refer to securities that can be transferred or sold at any time, such as stocks, bonds, and short-term bonds. Tradable securities usually have high liquidity, and investors can obtain cash or make other investments by selling these securities. The value of tradable securities usually fluctuates with changes in market supply and demand and market expectations.

Definition: Marketable securities are financial instruments that can be readily transferred or sold, such as stocks, bonds, and short-term debt instruments. These securities typically have high liquidity, allowing investors to convert them into cash or other investments easily. The value of marketable securities often fluctuates with changes in market supply and demand and market expectations.

Origin: The concept of marketable securities originated in early financial markets when merchants and investors needed a convenient way to transfer and trade assets. As financial markets evolved, particularly the stock and bond markets, marketable securities became essential tools for trading and investment.

Categories and Characteristics: Marketable securities can be categorized into the following types:

  • Stocks: Represent ownership in a company, allowing investors to become shareholders and share in the company's profits.
  • Bonds: Debt instruments issued by companies or governments, where investors provide funds to the issuer in exchange for fixed interest income in the future.
  • Short-term debt instruments: Debt instruments with shorter maturities, typically less than a year, offering high liquidity and lower risk.
These securities share the common characteristic of high liquidity, enabling investors to buy and sell them in public markets at any time.

Specific Cases:

  • Case 1: An investor holds shares of Apple Inc. When the investor needs cash, they can sell these shares in the stock market to quickly obtain cash.
  • Case 2: A company issues a batch of corporate bonds. After purchasing these bonds, investors can transfer or sell them in the secondary market to gain liquidity.

Common Questions:

  • Question 1: Does the liquidity of marketable securities mean they are risk-free?
    Answer: Although marketable securities have high liquidity, their value can fluctuate with changes in market supply and demand and market expectations, so they still carry market risk.
  • Question 2: Are all securities marketable?
    Answer: Not all securities are marketable. Some securities may have restrictions and cannot be freely traded in public markets.

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