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Other Current Assets

Other current assets refer to assets that can be realized or consumed within one year or within one operating cycle exceeding one year, excluding cash, accounts receivable, other receivables, prepaid accounts, prepaid assets, inventory, and accounts payable corresponding to other current assets.

Definition: Other current assets refer to assets that can be converted into cash or consumed within one year or within an operating cycle longer than one year, excluding cash, accounts receivable, other receivables, prepaid expenses, prepaid assets, inventory, and accounts payable.

Origin: The concept of other current assets originates from accounting standards, aiming to better classify and manage a company's short-term assets. As business activities become more complex, traditional classifications of current assets cannot cover all short-term assets, leading to the introduction of the category 'other current assets.'

Categories and Characteristics: Other current assets typically include but are not limited to short-term investments, prepaid expenses, and prepaid taxes.

  • Short-term Investments: These are investments held by the company for less than one year, such as short-term bonds and stocks. These assets are highly liquid but also carry higher risks.
  • Prepaid Expenses: These are expenses that have been paid but not yet expensed, such as prepaid rent and insurance. These assets are gradually expensed over future accounting periods.
  • Prepaid Taxes: These are taxes paid in advance, which will be deducted in future tax settlements.

Specific Cases:

  • Case 1: In 2023, a company purchased a batch of short-term bonds with a six-month maturity, valued at 1 million yuan. These short-term bonds are listed as other current assets on the company's balance sheet.
  • Case 2: At the beginning of 2023, a company paid a year's rent totaling 120,000 yuan. This rent is listed as prepaid expenses when paid and is expensed at 10,000 yuan per month over the accounting periods.

Common Questions:

  • Question 1: What is the difference between other current assets and current assets?
    Answer: Other current assets are a subset of current assets, mainly used to classify short-term assets that do not fall under traditional categories like cash and accounts receivable.
  • Question 2: How to determine if an asset belongs to other current assets?
    Answer: If the asset can be converted into cash or consumed within one year or within an operating cycle longer than one year and does not belong to traditional current asset categories, it can be classified as other current assets.

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