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Other Debt Investments

Other debt investments refer to non-current financial assets held by a company that do not belong to equity investments, bond investments, other equity instrument investments, and cash equivalents. These assets include debt securities, long-term receivables, and other debt investments.

Definition: Other debt investments refer to non-current financial assets held by enterprises that do not fall under equity investments, bond investments, other equity instrument investments, or cash equivalents. These assets include debt securities, long-term receivables, and other debt investments.

Origin: The concept of other debt investments emerged with the development of financial markets and the diversification of corporate investment needs. Initially, corporate investments were mainly focused on equity and bonds, but as markets became more complex, companies began to seek more diversified investment methods to preserve and increase their assets.

Categories and Characteristics: Other debt investments can be categorized as follows:

  • Debt Securities: Includes corporate bonds, government bonds, etc. They are characterized by relatively stable returns but lower liquidity.
  • Long-term Receivables: Refers to receivables formed in long-term business transactions, characterized by longer terms and higher risks.
  • Other Debt Investments: Includes various non-standardized debt investments such as trust plans and asset-backed securities, characterized by higher returns and higher risks.

Specific Cases:

  • Case 1: A company purchases a batch of long-term corporate bonds as part of its other debt investments. These bonds have a term of 10 years and an annual interest rate of 5%. By holding these bonds, the company can receive stable interest income annually.
  • Case 2: A company participates in a trust plan, investing in a series of real estate projects. Although the trust plan offers higher returns, it also comes with higher market and liquidity risks.

Common Questions:

  • Question 1: What are the risks of other debt investments?
    Answer: The main risks of other debt investments include credit risk, market risk, and liquidity risk. Investors need to carefully assess the credit status of the investment target and the market environment.
  • Question 2: How to choose suitable other debt investments?
    Answer: Choosing suitable other debt investments requires considering the company's risk tolerance, investment term, and expected return goals. It is advisable to make investment decisions under the guidance of a professional financial advisor.

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