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Pledged loans for policyholders

Pledged loans for policyholders refer to loans provided by insurance companies to policyholders, using their insurance policies as collateral. Pledged loans for policyholders are usually based on the cash value of the policy and are obtained by pledging the policy to the insurance company to obtain a loan.

Policyholder Loan


A policyholder loan is a loan provided by an insurance company to a policyholder, using the policyholder's insurance policy as collateral. These loans are typically based on the cash value of the policy, allowing the policyholder to borrow money by pledging the policy to the insurance company.


The concept of policyholder loans originated in the late 19th century when insurance companies began offering this service to allow policyholders to quickly access funds in emergencies. As the insurance industry evolved, this form of loan became more widespread and integrated into insurance products.

Categories and Characteristics

Policyholder loans are mainly divided into two categories: term life insurance loans and whole life insurance loans. Term life insurance loans usually have a fixed loan term, while whole life insurance loans can be applied for at any time during the policy's validity. Their characteristics include:

  • Low interest rates: Typically lower than credit cards and other unsecured loans.
  • Flexibility: Borrowers can choose the loan amount and term according to their needs.
  • No credit check: Since the loan is secured by the policy's cash value.

Specific Cases

Case 1: Mr. Zhang holds a whole life insurance policy with a cash value of 100,000 yuan. Due to an urgent need for funds, he applied for a 50,000 yuan policyholder loan from the insurance company. The company approved his application, using the policy's cash value as collateral. After repaying the loan, the policy's cash value returned to its original level.

Case 2: Ms. Li holds a term life insurance policy with a cash value of 200,000 yuan. She needed funds to pay for her child's tuition, so she applied for a 100,000 yuan policyholder loan from the insurance company. The company agreed to her application, using the policy's cash value as collateral. After repaying the loan, the policy remained in effect.

Common Questions

1. What is the interest rate for a policyholder loan? The interest rate is usually low but varies depending on the insurance company's policies and market conditions.

2. What happens if I can't repay the loan on time? If you can't repay the loan on time, the insurance company may deduct the unpaid amount from the policy's cash value, which could even lead to the policy lapsing.

3. Does a policyholder loan affect the policy's coverage? As long as the loan is repaid on time, the policy's coverage will not be affected.

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