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Selling, General, and Administrative Expense

Selling, general, and administrative expenses (SG&A) include all non-production expenses for a reporting period. Examples of these expenses are marketing, advertising, rent, and utilities.

This line item includes nearly all business costs that aren't directly attributable to making a product or performing a service. SG&A consists of the costs of managing a company and the expenses of delivering its products or services.


Selling, General, and Administrative Expenses (SG&A) include all non-production expenses incurred during the reporting period. Examples of these expenses include marketing, advertising, rent, and utilities. This item encompasses nearly all business costs that cannot be directly attributed to the production of goods or services. SG&A consists of the costs of managing the company and delivering its products or services.


The concept of SG&A originated from the need for corporate accounting and financial management. As companies grew in size and complexity, there was a need to classify and manage various operational expenses. In the early 20th century, with the development of modern business management theories, SG&A gradually became an important component of financial statements.

Categories and Characteristics:

SG&A expenses can be divided into the following categories:

  • Selling Expenses: These include costs directly related to selling products or services, such as sales personnel salaries, sales commissions, advertising, and promotional expenses.
  • General Expenses: These include costs necessary for the day-to-day operations of the business, such as office rent, utilities, office supplies, and equipment maintenance.
  • Administrative Expenses: These include salaries of the management team, legal and accounting services fees, insurance costs, etc.

The characteristic of these expenses is that they cannot be directly attributed to the production process but are essential for the normal operation of the business.

Specific Cases:

Case 1: A retail company lists SG&A expenses in its financial statements, including $1 million in marketing expenses, $500,000 in rent expenses, and $300,000 in administrative management expenses. These costs help the company maintain daily operations and promote sales growth.

Case 2: A technology company discloses SG&A expenses in its annual report, including $2 million in advertising expenses, $1.5 million in sales personnel salaries, and $200,000 in legal services fees. These expenses ensure the market promotion of the company's products and legal compliance.

Common Questions:

1. Do SG&A expenses include production costs?
No, SG&A expenses only include non-production costs. Production costs are classified under Cost of Goods Sold (COGS).

2. How can a company reduce SG&A expenses?
Companies can reduce SG&A expenses by optimizing operational processes, cutting unnecessary expenditures, and improving work efficiency.

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