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Share Repurchase Plan

A share repurchase program refers to the specific plan for a listed company to repurchase its own shares. Share repurchases can increase the concentration of ownership, increase earnings per share, and boost market confidence, among other benefits. The share repurchase program needs to specify the quantity, price, and duration of the repurchases.

Definition: A share repurchase plan refers to a specific plan and arrangement by a listed company to buy back its own shares. By repurchasing shares, a company can increase its equity concentration, boost earnings per share, and enhance market confidence. A share repurchase plan typically includes details such as the number of shares to be repurchased, the repurchase price, and the repurchase period.

Origin: The concept of share repurchase originated in the early 20th century in the United States, with the earliest cases dating back to the Great Depression of 1929. As capital markets developed, share repurchase became an important tool for company management to adjust capital structure and enhance shareholder value.

Categories and Characteristics: Share repurchase plans can be categorized into three main types: open market repurchases, tender offer repurchases, and private repurchases.

  • Open Market Repurchase: The company buys back shares on the open market at market prices. This method is highly flexible but may cause stock price fluctuations.
  • Tender Offer Repurchase: The company makes an offer to all shareholders to repurchase a certain number of shares at a fixed price. This method can quickly complete the repurchase but usually requires a premium.
  • Private Repurchase: The company negotiates privately with specific shareholders to repurchase shares. This method is often used to address the exit needs of specific shareholders.

Specific Cases:

  • Case 1: In 2012, Apple Inc. announced a large-scale share repurchase plan, intending to buy back shares worth hundreds of billions of dollars over the next few years. This plan successfully boosted Apple's earnings per share and enhanced market confidence.
  • Case 2: In 2020, Alibaba announced a $10 billion share repurchase plan to address market volatility and enhance shareholder value. This plan helped stabilize the stock price and demonstrated the company's confidence in its future development.

Common Questions:

  • Will share repurchase affect the company's cash flow? Yes, share repurchase requires the use of the company's cash reserves, which may impact the company's cash flow and financial condition.
  • Is share repurchase always beneficial to shareholders? Not necessarily. While share repurchase can boost earnings per share, if the company repurchases at high prices, it may lead to a loss in shareholder value.

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