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Undivided Account

An undivided account is a financial or investment arrangement where multiple participants share full responsibility for the entire account, including both assets and liabilities, rather than dividing them proportionally. This means each participant is responsible for the entire account rather than just their individual share. This arrangement is common in securities underwriting, partnerships, or joint investment projects. For example, in securities underwriting, all underwriters in an undivided account collectively assume responsibility for the entire issuance of securities, regardless of the proportion each underwriter subscribes to. The advantage of this arrangement is better risk distribution, but it also requires a high level of trust and cooperation among the participants.

Definition: An indivisible account is a financial or investment arrangement where multiple participants share full responsibility and benefits without proportional distribution. This means each participant is responsible for all assets and liabilities of the entire account, not just their share. This arrangement is commonly found in securities underwriting, partnerships, or joint investment projects. For example, in securities underwriting, all underwriters in an indivisible account share the responsibility for issuing all securities, regardless of their subscription proportion. The advantage of this arrangement is better risk diversification, but it also requires a high level of trust and cooperation among participants.

Origin: The concept of an indivisible account can be traced back to early partnerships and joint investment projects. In these projects, participants would typically share risks and benefits together to better diversify risk and increase the likelihood of success. As financial markets evolved, this arrangement was gradually applied to securities underwriting and other complex financial transactions.

Categories and Characteristics: Indivisible accounts can be categorized into the following types:

  • Securities Underwriting: In securities underwriting, all underwriters in an indivisible account share the responsibility for issuing all securities, regardless of their subscription proportion.
  • Partnerships: In partnerships, all partners share full responsibility and benefits of the enterprise, rather than distributing them proportionally.
  • Joint Investment Projects: In joint investment projects, all participants share full responsibility and benefits of the project.
The common characteristic of these arrangements is the need for a high level of trust and cooperation among participants to share risks and benefits together.

Specific Cases:

  • Case 1: In a large IPO (Initial Public Offering), several investment banks formed an indivisible account to jointly underwrite all the shares issued. Despite different subscription proportions, they shared the full responsibility for issuing all the shares. This arrangement allowed each bank to diversify risk while requiring a high level of trust and cooperation among them.
  • Case 2: In a real estate development project, several companies formed an indivisible account to jointly invest in and develop the project. Despite different amounts of capital invested by each company, they shared full responsibility and benefits of the project. This arrangement allowed each company to diversify risk while requiring a high level of trust and cooperation among them.

Common Questions:

  • Q: What is the main risk of an indivisible account?
    A: The main risk is the need for a high level of trust and cooperation among participants. If one participant fails to fulfill their responsibilities, the others will have to bear additional responsibilities and risks.
  • Q: What types of investments are suitable for an indivisible account?
    A: Indivisible accounts are typically suitable for investment projects that require shared risks and benefits, such as securities underwriting, partnerships, and joint investment projects.

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